A daughter questions her relationship with her father on his deathbed. Taking a closer look at some of his challenges and his attitude towards them, provides her with greater clarity and a deeper appreciation of her dad. She realises how a homogenous family in a small village in Kerela could have evolved through three generations into a diverse global network of family and friends. There are compelling anecdotes of openness and inclusion from his immigrant life that are inspirational.
This memoir is a celebration of a simple man who was extraordinary in many ways. It is a call to discover the heroes we encounter everyday.
Dear friends, family and subscribers,
Thank you for your patience and sorry for the silence. We have made quite a bit of headway as we come closer to the date of publication. The official launch date of 'Dad and I' given by Koehler Books is 24th Jan 2020 but I am trying to expedite the process.
Where are we at currently? I have been working closely with the copy editor, Elizabeth whose thoughtful edits and preparation of the manuscript to comply with the Chicago Manual of Style have been very helpful.
I have just sent off the FINAL manuscript. Once the pictures are added to the photo gallery, we'll include the endorsements, and then the we'll have to do type-setting etc. It's a process... ;)
I'll keep you posted if there are changes to the launch date.
Sending you lots of love and positive vibes...