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Emily Goodson

Emily Goodson

New York, New York

Emily Goodson is committed to reshaping the discourse surrounding intimacy, especially within the context of disability and sexuality.

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About the author

At age 8, Emily experienced a childhood brain injury, resulting in partial paralysis on the left side of her body. After this injury, Emily faced a host of emotional and physical challenges, achieved significant recovery, and emerged empowered to educate others.

Emily's creative work has been featured in the LA Times as well as in several photo gallery exhibits, sponsored by Disability Rights Now and the Bold Beauty Project.

In addition to these endeavors, Emily provides consulting services to help organizations, ranging from start-ups to major production companies, build inclusive workplaces. She has also helped curate and design curriculums for Intimacy Professionals Association.
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Success! Dating "Disability" has already sold 272 pre-orders , was pitched to 27 publishers , and will be published by n/a - haven't decided yet .

$25 Early Reader Copy

57 readers

Receive a digital and printed copy of Dating "Disability"

1 copy + ebook included

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$40 Signed Copy

44 readers

Receive a digital and signed printed copy of Dating "Disability" from Emily

1 copy + ebook included

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$100 Donate 10 Copies to Health Organizations

14 readers

Emily will donate 10 copies of Dating “Disability” to hospital libraries, VA clinics, and other mental health and intimacy focused organizations.

10 copies + ebook included

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$200 5 Signed Books + Invite to the NYC Book Launch Party

6 readers

Receive 5 signed printed books of Dating "Disability" from Emily plus 1 invitation to the private book launch party in NYC

5 copies

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94 of 100 left

$5000 200 Books + Facilitated Workshop

0 readers

Receive 200 printed books plus a 90-minute Disability Employment Awareness Month workshop that Emily will facilitate for your organization in October 2024.

200 copies

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Update #2 - Last Day of the Campaign + Sharing a Feature Aug. 26, 2024

Hello readers and friends,

I hope you had as great a weekend as I did!

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of seeing Cabaret with some dear friends from Washington, DC. (I highly recommend it - particularly if you can get to it before some of the original cast leave!)

After the show, my close group of NYC friends - see pictures below - ventured over to the Plaza to celebrate the end of the book campaign as well as other upcoming victories. We had the best time. 

In that vein, I'm excited to tell you that the publishing crowdfunding campaign closes tomorrow night!

On Wednesday, my launch page with your lovely comments and pre-orders will be sent to publishers for consideration. From there, I'll interview all interested parties and decide on a deal. 

I will keep you posted on which publisher I select and the timeline moving forward. 

In the meantime, if you have any friends or colleagues interested in pre-ordering books or other bonuses, please encourage them to do so by the end of the day on Tuesday, August 27th. 

Lastly, if you haven't yet read the lovely feature that Publishizer wrote on me, you can check it out here.

All my best and we will be in touch!
