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Dating "Disability"

Emily Goodson

Intimacy issues are widespread.

What if being a person with a disability made you more equipped to thrive in intimate relationships, rather than inhibited you?

And what if the skills I've learned from my lifelong physical disability could help all of us have stronger intimate relationships?

  Sex & Relationships   50,000 words   50% complete   Published by Amplify Publishing Group
272 preorders
$5,830.00 funded


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Update #6 - Behind the Scenes with Emily: Book Updates & More Jan. 3, 2025

Hi friends!

It's been a busy month! I'm deep in the editing process for Dating Disability and also getting ready for several keynote speeches about building resilience skills.

Please read on for details!

Jaji Hammer, an amazing friend, editor and communicator, is helping me with structural edits and strategic decisions for Dating Disability. First off, you may have noticed that we've made the decision to drop the quotation marks from the title – I'll detail more on that 'why' in the next update letter. 

In the meantime, to give you insight on the structural changes, we decided the book is best organized in two sections as opposed to three, so I'm working this week on re-organizing chapters and tools.

We are definitely not losing content with this change, so never fear. Part 1 of the book will remain focused on stories from my childhood and young adult years that contributed to the shame I felt about being physically different. 

Part 2 will then detail how one can bust out of that shame, as I did, and better thrive in relationships. 

I cannot wait to bring the finished product to you and will continue to be in touch on our decisions, changes, and timelines.

On another note, as some of you know, I'm quite passionate about my SoulCycle community.  (Check out the photo from our New Years ride below.)

This March, I'm riding with SoulCycle to raise money for rare cancer research. I've lost friends to cancer and have others currently fighting it. I believe we can make a real difference by working together.

Please consider donating to this important cause. Any amount helps. You can directly donate here.

Thanks for your support of me and my various projects! I'll be in touch soon with the cover design and more details about the title changes. 

