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Earth Reclaimed

Sara Codair

A Novel

In a future where magic has replaced technology, 17-year-old Serena McIntyre convince Newly Unified New England States (NUNES) to respect Earth, or the planet will purge them from Her surface.

  YA Fiction    Fantasy/LGBTQ+   69,000 words   100% complete   8 publishers interested
$205.00 funded
2% of goal
10 preorders
2% of goal
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Update #1 - A Week into Earth Reclaimed's Pre-order Campaign July 18, 2017

My campaign has been live for a little over a week! I have four pre-orders so far, but have a long way to go if I want to make my goal of 500. I've been working hard on the novel all week. I revised and expanded some of the early chapters, and continued the story. I'm about half-way done, and plan to have this draft complete and ready for bet-readers and critique partners at the end of the month. 

If you have already pre-ordered, thank you very much. 

If you haven't yet, please do. If you can't pre-order but want to help, share this project on your social media pages. 

Thank you,
