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Jade Miller

Recovery from Ritual Abuse, Dissociation, and Trafficking

When Emily is faced with the knowledge that there are other “selves” operating in her daily life, she must discover who they are and why they are there to save herself and her family from a lifetime of violent exploitation, with the help of a spiritual mother figure whose influence forever changes the course of all of their intersecting lives.

  Biography & Memoir   70,000 words   25% complete   5 publishers interested
94 preorders
$2,170.00 funded


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Update #2 - next steps March 2, 2024

Hi friends!

My agent and I have a meeting with the Publishizer folks as soon as we can hear back from the CEO about her availability. We are figuring out next steps, as the pre-sales were lower than I hoped for and I do not have any traditional publishing contracts on the table at the moment. It is very likely that we will do some strategic planning around marketing, and then re-open the campaign in a few months. 

But, don't worry! I will transition to seeing one-on-one clients 2 days per week and writing for the other 3, most likely this summer or fall. I am confident I can finish this book in a timely manner and get it into your hands!

I am also still querying for a literary agent who understands my goals and the importance of the topics I'm writing about. If you happen to have publishing or literary agent contacts, please send them my way!

Let me know if you have any questions.