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Jade Miller

Recovery from Ritual Abuse, Dissociation, and Trafficking

When Emily is faced with the knowledge that there are other “selves” operating in her daily life, she must discover who they are and why they are there to save herself and her family from a lifetime of violent exploitation, with the help of a spiritual mother figure whose influence forever changes the course of all of their intersecting lives.

  Biography & Memoir   70,000 words   25% complete   5 publishers interested
94 preorders
$2,170.00 funded


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Update #4 - Shifting from traditional publishing April 5, 2024

Hi friends,

My agent and I met with the CEO of Publishizer last week. She is delightful and really listened and gave thoughtful feedback and asked questions to help me determine the best way to move forward with my book.

Succinctly: there are some uphill battles with getting a traditional publishing contract with my book. But I'm not afraid of challenges, as people have probably gathered by now.

What impacted me the most was, being reminded that most contracts transfer ownership of the story rights to the publisher. From then on, it's theirs to do with what they want. This did not sit well with me. Of course, at times there are options to retain rights, but the most common scenario is signing the rights over with the contract.

I'm not okay with conferring the rights to my story to someone else - anyone else. It goes completely against everything I've fought for, the way I've tried to build my business, and the way I direct my life and way of being in the world.

So I'm shifting away from this pursuit and leaning more toward self-publishing. Which is a very familiar path for me, but this time I'm going to put some things in place to help get my book more visibility and marketing.

The pre-sales campaign will likely be re-opened this fall or winter, so you may see that come back around. When the time comes, please help share the word about this book. I believe in the messages I've been carrying about the humanity of dissociation, and I believe in the impact I hope it will have on our culture. 

I will start a regular writing schedule in May so that I can spend focused time 3 days a week on finishing this manuscript. Stay tuned, and thank you so much for being on this ride with me. <3