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Jade Miller

Recovery from Ritual Abuse, Dissociation, and Trafficking

When Emily is faced with the knowledge that there are other “selves” operating in her daily life, she must discover who they are and why they are there to save herself and her family from a lifetime of violent exploitation, with the help of a spiritual mother figure whose influence forever changes the course of all of their intersecting lives.

  Biography & Memoir   70,000 words   25% complete   5 publishers interested
94 preorders
$2,170.00 funded


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Update #6 - Post-election update Jan. 12, 2025

Hi friends,

Since the election, I have been uncertain about the future of this book. There are parts of it throughout that are definitely anti-government. And I'm not sure what the incoming administration is going to do. So at the moment I'm just waiting for inauguration so I can gage the political climate that's coming with it.

If it seems that the timing for the book is no longer favorable for publishing, I will refund your money. If it seems like this book could still be accepted in the changing culture, I will finish it as quickly as I can and get it into your hands. Thank you for your patience!!

In the meantime, I invite you to check out my YT channel. I am starting to add content (mostly shorts atm until I have time to work on longer vids) and build up my channel. I want to make more personalized videos once I gain some experience in video creation - lots of room to grow in the future. :) I'll send another update soon!

Jade Miller Youtube