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Finding The Spider

Victor Farrell

A Unified Biblical Conspiracy Theory

I am a Bible-Believing Christian & that means I am part of the BIGGEST 'Conspiracy Theory' ever imagined! Yet the very term 'Conspiracy Theory' has been used as a beating stick of mocking disdain. 'Finding The Spider' will identify and apply thorough Biblical Truth in the growing and ever complex multi-morphing web of Global Conspiracy Theory and so called, 'FakeNews.'

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F.T.S. BRIEFING RELEASE DATE | 2018 January 21st (20180121)

Author | Rev. Victor Robert Farrell


“Increasingly, that which maybe used to be referred to as our very own ‘Digital Footprint,’ has now become our Digital DNA. Such that, in a Surveillance Society this Digital DNA has now become who we are, especially to those who both spy on us and judge us. Oh, and are we being spied upon?! Indeed, when you look especially at the virtue signalling spread across ‘[1]YouTwitFace,’ together with the obscene application of cultural hate-crime laws, then it is obvious that we former free-speakers are now being both  judged and falsely charged by ‘[2]Bobbies’ gone wild. Policing by consent, drawn from Robert Peel’s nine Principles of Policing, has been a common philosophy of British policing for a long time now, and is nothing short of policing derived from public cooperation, and is NOT policing derived from, or directed by the state or the crown, and especially not private corporations. This means that the power of the Police to fulfil their duties and function is always dependent upon (1) the public’s approval of their, (a) existence, (b) their duties, and (c) their actions. (2) This public approval is only given when the Police have gained the ability to secure and to maintain the public’s respect to so give them that approval to exist and take action in fulfilling their duties.




The rate of increased surveillance in Britain is such that as soon as I began to write this article, the figures I use will be out of date. For example, with a current British population of 66,400,883 there is one Closed Circuit Television Camera for one in every ten people in Briain. That’s  around 6,700,000 cameras, or nearly, seven million cameras, or worst still, 20% of the world’s CCTV cameras! This, by the way, excludes, drones, body cameras, Smart TV’s, ‘hole in the wall’ all cameras, Smart Phones, Social Media Cameras, Laptop Cameras, Facial and Digital recognition cameras, speeding cameras, and number plate recognition cameras. Shocking.

Now then,  tie this CCTV surveillance, together with all the information we willingly give, and often time to gain services are forced to give, to Internet searches, finance applications, licencing applications, store cards, value and reward cards,  and a hundred other ways our biometric information is garnered, gathered and stored, then it is fantastically frightening just how much information we are putting into a system whose reach is unlimited, whose intentions are ambiguous at best, and destructive at worst, and whose safeguards are, apparently, absolutely non-existent!  We are not marching toward a Police State friends, we are already in one. How did we get here? Was it fear or stupidity? Was it desire for technology and seeming safety, or by devilish design?  Indeed, why even have a surveillance society?

Well, remember I began to tell you that regarding our Policing, British Philosophy has always been Policing with consent of the public, and I put it to you that such public consent was once shaped by the Bible, that is the application of the preached word, or our Judeo Christian heritage. The cowardice and compromise of the church has led to a culture shaped by demonic driven selfishness, which has, in turn, shaped public consent to become the tool of that which is currently culturally acceptable. In other words, with the removal of the Biblical Absolute, anything goes, and the vocal and vociferous minority have shaped culture and therefore common consent by the public, into a Frankenstein monster bent on  destruction of all that is truly human, even Western Christian society.

Now take that monster and create a dystopian world in which it might thrive and multiply, and you amplify the destruction aby a thousand fold. How do you create a dystopian world? You engineer it both through false flags, and the opening all the sinful sluice gates of the soul and of the world. In such a dystopia, fear reigns, and therefore the outward and best sell for a surveillance society to a fearful populace is to say that surveillance is there:

1.    Protect Society

2.    Prevent Crime

3.    Enforce Law

4.    Cut costs

5.    Monitor

6.    Gather the good

7.    & Control Evil

In essence, the big sell of total surveillance is made in the context of the forced and constructed atmosphere of us always  being in danger, and therefore, in  need to be monitored so as to protect us from the bad guys. Under this broad and seemingly velvet touch of protection, much of this monitoring is now being done without the consent of the public. Indeed,  those involved in such surveillance also seem to be the makers of their own laws regarding it, and the Police have become the enforces of the same, or the Government have sub-contracted that policing to private henchmen, from parking enforcement teams to  private security firms, all, of course, at a pretty price to the Government no doubt.

Now then, assuming we do not want to submit to Big-brother, then I will suggest that there are at least four things we can personally do to resist the incessant rise of this intrusive and abusive surveillance society.

1.    We can legally resist it. Write to your Member of Parliament, Write to the Prime minister, get involved with local councils and legally resist at every turn the onset of even more surveillance.

1.1. We must enforce equality of surveillance. Either everyone gets to spy or no one gets to spy. We want to be able to freely surveil the surveillers, spy on the spies. The Police need to be monitored by the public. The state needs to be monitored by the public.

1.2. We must enforce the right to be forgotten! That is, to have our Digital DNA removed from ‘The Grid’ without prejudice or detriment to our individual function within society or our humanity.

1.3. We must enforce our rights against being tracked and monitored, and the ability to do this must be done without drawing any undue suspicion upon those seeking that right.

2.    Go ‘Off the Grid.’ That is, remove all smart technology from your home, yourself, your animals,  and your vehicles. Use cash, barter, get involved in Crypto-currency, or local currency, get an old car, prepare to  move outside of monitored areas, especially smart-cities,  and become more humanly self-sufficient. Go ‘Off the Grid.’

3.    Become A Luddite. I am NOT condoning this, but it is an option. Smash the machinery of surveillance. If you do this, however, and break the law, then be prepared to pay the will be a high one.

4.    Live openly and honestly according to God and not to culture. Be bold! But be prepared to pay the price for your Western Culture, Judeo Christian based Biblical free speech. Be prepared then for litigation against you, for the loss of your livelihood, for the loss of your liberty, and even  the loss of your life.


In the current surveillance society, I believe that we should live on a Trinity of conjoined pathways, such that:

(1) We should live honestly and boldly, according to Gods word as it has shaped our conscience, and in doing so, we must be prepared to pay the price of a right and a righteous life.

(2) We should create a dual identity. Our primary identity being the voice of who we truly are, human to God, human to human, and our secondary identity, being, by comparison, the pale, placid and plastic irrelevancy or our Digital Avatar. We are not our Digital Footprint. We are much, much more than that.

(3) We should remove ourselves off the current demonic grid. Let us be humans relating to humans, humans relating to God our Saviour.

Finally, remember, Personal Privacy which leads to Public Privacy is good. However, there is no such thing as Privacy from the Divine, even The Judge of the whole earth.

“Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” (Hebrews 4:14 NSB)

[1] This is the name of the New Company in the fictional alignment of YouTube, Twitter and Facebook- YouTwitFace

[2] Bobbies – Police Constables, named once affectionately, (but no longer) after their British Founder, Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel