A Journey of Evolution
Floating In Darkness is a journey through outer space, inner space, war, peace, conflict, and love. This story is designed to spark conversations that transcend political, cultural, national, ethnic and religious divides focusing instead on our shared humanity.
I hope this email finds everyone safe and healthy. During the current Covid-19 pandemic it is absolutely critical that we all pull together as one human family to combat this virus.
In a nutshell, pulling together as one human family is the overarching theme of Floating in Darkness and I am working to get it out as soon as possible. The manuscript is complete and it is presently heading into the editorial process.
In the meantime, I am going to continue to send out a series of Covid-19 updates on my blog site https://www.rongaran.com/blog/
The latest Covid-19 update is here: https://www.rongaran.com/growth-in-dark-times
An update where I include an excerpt from the Floating in Darkness manuscript can be found here: https://www.rongaran.com/what-happens-to-one-of-us-happens-to-all-of-us-one/
And here's the first update where I put this crisis into a planetary perspective: https://www.rongaran.com/coronavirus-is-not-a-global-pandemic/
Please stay safe, avoid unnecessary contact with people, and above all else remember that we are all in this together, Ron