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Leena Olaimy

Leena Olaimy


Leena Olaimy is a Dalai Lama Fellow and Fulbright Scholar who has been researching terrorism since 9/11. She’s a social entrepreneur working at the intersection of peace, economy, and environment.

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About the author

Leena is a Fulbright scholar who researched terrorism at Dartmouth College. She is cofounder of 3BL Associates, an award-winning social enterprise advancing progress on nine of the seventeen interconnected sustainable development goals (SDGs) like peace, climate change, and economic growth. Her work has included transforming youth adversarial activism from non-violent resistance to ‘non-violent resilience.’

She previously worked at the Bahrain Ministry of Foreign Affairs on key regional security forums convening Middle Eastern Heads of State, G8 Foreign Secretaries and other dignitaries. Post-Arab Awakening, she was invited to meet with instrumental leaders from both sides of "The Troubles” in Northern Ireland and Apartheid South Africa to learn from their experiences with reconciliation and social inclusion.

Leena has written on politics, entrepreneurship and sustainability for the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Blog, Open DemocracyStanford Social Innovation Review, the Huffington Post and Wamda. She has been quoted in Forbes and Arabic Knowledge@Wharton, and her multi-disciplinary insights have been sought by Chatham House, the Tri-Lateral Commission, and several United Nations organizations. She has given 150+ talks globally, including TEDxCarthage—the largest in Africa—and recently chaired a roundtable on 'Empowering Communities for Positive Change' during HRH the Prince of Wales' visit to Bahrain.

Leena is a Dalai Lama Fellow, a Salzburg Global Fellow, a Soliya Fellow and a Wall Street Journal ‘Woman of Note' and is listed among Bahrain's Most Influential Women by Business in Gulf. She previously served on the advisory board of HRH Prince El Hassan Bin Talal of Jordan’s West Asia-North Africa Forum and the Board of Trustees for the Bahrain Foundation for Dialogue. 

Leena holds a B.Sc. in Culture and Communications from New York University, a MA in Globalization Studies from Dartmouth College, and has studied at Harvard Business and Government Schools, and at the THNK School for Creative Leadership in Amsterdam.

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- PLUS Bonus infographic dispelling myths that Islam = Terrorism for you to share on social media

* Travel costs not included. Arrangements can be made if I am already going to be traveling to your/ your friend's country

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$250 The Intellectual Partner

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- 10 copies of the e-book + 3 signed copies of paperback inscribed with a calligraphy quote on peace from the Holy Quran which you can gift

- AND the opportunity to review and provide your intellectual contribution and feedback to certain chapters as I'm writing them, including sending me some of your own relevant work to potentially cite. I will mention your name or organization in the acknowledgments.

- PLUS Bonus infographic dispelling myths that Islam = Terrorism for you to share on social media

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$500 The 500

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- PLUS Bonus infographic dispelling myths that Islam = Terrorism for you to share on social media

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$2750 The Peace Amplifier

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- I will also mention your name or organization in the acknowledgments.

- PLUS Bonus infographic dispelling myths that Islam = Terrorism for you to share on social media

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- 1000 copies of the e-book + 1000 signed copies of paperback for your organization or event attendees

- AND 1 hour customized talk for your event, conference, roundtable etc. PLUS a 2-day social innovation lab to ideate solutions to exclusion and extremism either for your organization or for the organization of your choosing *

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Update #1 - If YOU help me get to 500 pre-orders, an organization will match it with another 500! June 10, 2017

I have spent the last 2 weeks of my vacation making the most of being abroad by meeting with various think-tanks and policy institutes, and other groups and individuals to get support for Fundamentalist

Most sobering has been the realization that there is significant opposition to spreading a message that both counters the enormous military and security industry; as well agendas re-asserting a "clash of civilizations" between Islam and the West. 

But the good news is, I have found an organization willing to match 500 pre-orders if I reach 500 on my own. This means I only need 104 pre-orders in the next 7 days  to reach my goal!!!

Please help me give this book a voice and pre-order now!

If you know of organizations or people who would be interested in supporting, please forward them the email, and promote the book on social media.  

IMPORTANT: If you're using PayPal on your mobile, make sure you go back to the Publishizer page to 'Pay'. Clicking 'Agree' is only to enable PayPal access--it doesn't result in an order going through. 

With much gratitude for all your support. And feel free to unsubscribe from campaign updates at the bottom.

