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Leena Olaimy

Why We Need Greater Inclusion to Counter Terrorism

Fundamentalist explores the non-ideological drivers of violent extremism committed in the name of Islam and how we can all invest in peace as individuals.

  Politics & Social Sciences    Politics, Sustainable Development, Social Entrepreneurship, Spirituality   65,000 words   50% complete   Published by Berrett-Koehler
1505 preorders
$10,435.00 funded


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Update #4 - We Exceeded Our Goal AND We're On The World Economic Forum Global Agenda Blog!! July 28, 2017

I am THRILLED to announce that on July 23, not only did we reach our goal of 1000 pre-orders--we exceeded it by over 500 due to a very generous supporter in the 16th hour! As it stands, Fundamentalist has 1504 pre-orders!!

I say 'we' because I cannot begin to express the gratitude for everyone who took so much interest in seeing this campaign succeed. Whether it was promoting on social media and through personal email blasts; sending me late night messages with ideas for tactics; connecting me with social media influencers and journalists...I have certainly not felt alone so THANK YOU.

I also want to share with you an op-ed I wrote about the book, which has just been published on the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Blog: 

The campaign page will stay up until I have finalized a publishing contract so if you haven't pre-ordered you still have some time.

For those who have already supported Fundamentalist, I will be sending you an update once I have agreed with a publisher, and of course on the writing process.

