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Game Over: Love Glasses On

Ina Curic

A creative, constructive & concrete proposal for handling conflict

Do you often see conflicts that escalate as if putting gas on fire? What do you do when conflicts erupt to avoid them turning into explosions of great proportions?

  Children Fiction   2,000 words   75% complete   6 publishers interested
$394.00 funded
3% of goal
18 preorders
3% of goal


If family wars were sorted out well, would we see international ones?
This is another Imagine Creatively bedtime story for children and "waking up" story for adults - a political satire with a constructive twist in a children's book for all ages.

A useful tool for parents who are exasperated by siblings rivalry and want new approaches to home-based peace.

The cold war arms race subtly continues as does the international tension around the use of nuclear bombs. Dr. Seuss’ Butter Battle Book from 1984 ended in suspense about who will press the button first, a theme still valid in international relations today. Access the original Dr. Seuss story here:

"Game Over" picks up the theme with the descendants of Zooks and Yooks that have not learnt their lessons and still keep fighting each other in the mirror.

It replaces the war paradigm still prevalent in the world today with a constructive focus on building peace and operating from a unity-based worldview.

"Remember the battles in the bad old days?
Successors today haven’t changed their ways,

The Zooks and the Yooks upscaled their game
The boys in the back room don’t want to play tame.
Now they have even more dangerous toys,
Eager to anywhere anytime simply deploy.

Vooks and Wooks they now call themselves
Mirroring each other and their former selves."

For constructive conflict handling, the storybook includes:
* a traditional method for conflict resolution (from Transylvania)
* and love glasses as a lens to find constructive solutions to conflicts.

The book contains fun and practical insights on what one can do to process emotions and find solutions to contradictions. “Game Over” story brings a model of diagnosis, prognosis and therapy, offering not only an overview of the current situation with aggravating risks but also a model of intervention that can be used starting in kindergarten where emotional wars are full-fledged.

To raise its value as an educational tool, the illustrated book also includes:
* a practical workbook with emotions and ABC of conflict handling essentials. Working questions are included for educators, parents and even politicians - to use for approaching conflicts and feelings around conflicts constructively.

As a peace building practitioner, the author has been working in this field internationally since 2001. Peace education and constructive conflict handling surely need to get more visible in the mainstream to encourage critical and constructive thinking around peace as a political and social reality.

WHY would someone buy it:
* to learn to manage strong emotions around conflict as part of the essential social competences of the future
* to increase emotional and relational intelligence for handling conflicts
* to develop creativity in finding solutions to conflicts
* the book is fun, fiction and also applying to real life situations anyone can easily identify with
* out of curiosity for a follow on to Dr Seuss' The Butter Battle Book

ARTIST CALL is open for international contributions:
Producing this book is envisaged as a participatory peace project. If you know of any illustrators or political cartoonists that have a passion for peace, please share this project and the Artist Call here:

Sales arguments

  • Educational books are on the rise, as is peace education for the mainstream. This illustrated storybook will also include a practical workbook for handling conflicts constructively and dealing with difficult emotions in conflict.
  • Author is part of several international networks on peace and development that are sharing this project internationally: member of Transcend, a peace and development network founded by Johan Galtung, one of the pioneers of peace studies in the world.; also member of the Nonkilling Arts Research Committee, Center for Global Nonkilling
  • Author is part of the Board for Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (TFF), Sweden, that endorses this project. TFF is an independent think tank in peacebuilding with an email list of 10,000 subscribers.

Similar titles

  • In addition to books present on the market, my storybook brings concrete tools for conflict resolution and includes an additional workbook with questions and handouts for practice. This book also sepaks about how to turn an enemy into a best friend: Enemy Pie - Written by Derek Munson and illustrated by Tara Calahan King, 2000.
  • The metaphor of the wall separating people is also present here: The Wall in the Middle of the Book- Written and illustrated by Jon Agee, 2018
  • Another story about transforming anger: The Story of Ferdinand - Written by Munro Leaf and illustrated by Robert Lawson, 1936


The average parent interested in emotional and relational intelligence for children and constructive conflict handling. The social and political activists wanting constructive conflict education resources for children and grownups.

Advance praise

"If there is ONE book you should read for your children, this is the ONE. Describes brilliantly with a few words and spectacular drawings how we ended up with nuclear bombs". Thore Vestby, Former Mayor, MP and VP in Mayors for Peace, Board Member of Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research (

"In all of her work, Ina has a gift for using story to examine the many aspects of holistic peacebuilding. Her children’s books allow the reader to learn, practice, and explore – all at the same time." Kristin Famula, President, National Peace Academy, US

"Ina's stories are an excellent tool for parents, teachers and children".
Trudy Brand Jacobsen, Guidance Counsellor, former Principal, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Canada

“Ina is a wonderful story teller - the most significant compliment that can be paid to an author. Her stories, teacher study suggestions and website represent sparkling steps along the path toward Peace.”
Jerry Piasecki, Humanitarian Author, Founder of the UN Global Peace School Programme

More reviews here:

Ina Curic

About the author

Ina Curic is an international peace building specialist, outdoor educator and permaculture designer. Launched Imagine Creatively as a platform for mainstreaming peace education through storybooks in 2017.

My bedtime stories for children are “waking-up” stories for parents and their playful selves. The stories bring inspiration and practical tools from the peace building field to make real at home the harmony with self, others and nature - from sustainable gardening to whole nutrition, to connecting and solving conflicts in the family.

My first two illustrated books won three international Book Awards (Nautilus Silver, 2017; Gold Green Apple Environment Award, 2018; Honorary Mention International Writers Award 2019).

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  • Eric Unger
    on April 14, 2020, 3:58 a.m.

    Thank you for your effort to stop war. I feel the same way! I only heard about your book today from my daughter-in-law in Madagascar. Just in thence of time. I've sent one copy of The Butter Battle Book to the heads of about 160 countries so far. Another 40 countries to go, but the pandemic has interfered with progress at the moment. If you're interested, see the GoFundMe project called 'We'll See, We'll See . . ." I had hoped to get them signed and returned for display at the Canadian Museum of Human Rights in Winnipeg. Pretty slim chances, but one never knows.

    • Ina Curic
      on April 14, 2020, 2:06 p.m.

      Dear Eric,
      I am very glad to hear about your project and connect over this theme! Wow! My book aims to take this story one step further: constructive intervention:o)
      Right now, I call this a collateral casualty of the Covid disruption given the little interest I could raise with this issue over a month.

      Let s work together, shall we?




Heart Sprout

2 readers

You get:
- 1 E-book edition (no printed copy)
+ 1 other E-storybook from Imagine Creatively- "Unicorn(ed)-
about deep emotional processing


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  • 1 physical copy


Got my copy!

5 readers

You get:
- 1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On"
+ E-book "Game Over"
+ Additional E-book from Imagine Creatively


  • 1 digital copy
  • 1 physical copy
$4 shipping 195 of 200 left


Double It for a Friend

3 readers

You get:
- 2 Copies (One for you and one for a friend) of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On"
+ E-book "Game Over"
+ Additional e-storybook from Imagine Creatively


  • 1 digital copy
  • 2 physical copies
$4 shipping 47 of 50 left


3 Bundle & Your Name in the Book

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You get:
- 3 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On"
+ Your NAME mentioned in the Thank You section of the book.

Also included:
+ E-book "Game Over"
+ Additional e-storybook from Imagine Creatively


  • 1 digital copy
  • 3 physical copies
$7 shipping 25 of 25 left


Bring in the friends!

1 reader

You get:
- 5 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On"
+ FREE online webinar on conflict resolution approaches and emotional processing in the family

Also included:
+ Your NAME mentioned in the Thank YOU section of the book
+ E-book "Game Over"
+ Additional e-storybook from Imagine Creatively


  • 1 digital copy
  • 5 physical copies
$10 shipping 14 of 15 left


VIP Pack! + Coaching

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You get:
- 10 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On"
+ FREE online webinar on conflict resolution approaches and emotional processing in the family
+ 1 hour psychosomatic coaching valued at 300USD

Also included:
+ Your NAME mentioned in the Thank YOU section of the book
+ E-book "Game Over"
+ Additional e-storybook from Imagine Creatively


  • 1 digital copy
  • 10 physical copies
$17 shipping 5 of 5 left


Be a Corporate Sponsor

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You get:
- 15 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Game Over: Love Glasses On" for you and your team
+ Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor
+ A half day workshop for your team teaching the conflict resolution tools from my book
+ Free shipping


  • 1 digital copy
  • 15 physical copies
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