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Game Over: Love Glasses On

Ina Curic

A creative, constructive & concrete proposal for handling conflict

Do you often see conflicts that escalate as if putting gas on fire? What do you do when conflicts erupt to avoid them turning into explosions of great proportions?

  Children Fiction   2,000 words   75% complete   6 publishers interested
$394.00 funded
3% of goal
18 preorders
3% of goal
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Update #1 - Campaign rolling with a bit of "Why Peace" Behind March 18, 2020

Dear friends into political peace work,
(to raise a bit the negative connotations of peace associated with flower power, the hippy movement, forced communist marches and boring wooden language discourses)

Cause peace is very political. So, let's play a different game that tells things as they are for real.

There is a saying in Romanian that "the village is burning while the old woman is combing her hair". Feels a bit like this to launch a peace education book challenging the war paradigm right in the middle of a pandemics that is again portrayed easily as "war", posing humans as victims at the fury of nature.
But all the more peace thinking is necessary to put a unity based worldview at work.

Nature is not at war with us. Human distorted nature has its lessons to learn in this density.
The threat to put an end to human existence on earth does not come from nature so far, but from the immature mindset operating at the level of conflict resolution and relationship building in international relations.

When we change the dominant paradigm operating on one front, it will affect all others. We will be able to find inclusive, power-with, good for all solutions for most of our challenges with a humanist mindset at the back. Most humans on this planet are pro-peace. We just need to take our power back from the decision-makers that keep investing into, developing and stocking weapons of mass-destruction.

We know since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki experiments, and then on from the early 80s about the real threat nuclear arms pose to humanity. The kindergarten mindset of showing off who's stronger and closer to the atomic bombs still prevails in our contemporary age.

Sounds unreal. But it is.

Beyond satire, criticism, brilliant analysis, we say in peacebuilding we need constructive, concrete and future-oriented thinking for peace.

So, I picked up from the unfinished book of Dr. Seuss and wrote a follow up that brings hope for a seriously ill patient.

I believe we're stronger and smarter than it takes to play the victims of nature, and victims or torturers of one another. 
We're also not here to save the planet or human race while turning those who make war into our enemies. Same war paradigm, just switching sides.
It is possible however to do away with all sides and act as one humanity, a unified field already proved existing by quantum field.  
Keeping the talk, the vision and action in the victim-perpetrator-saviour triangle keeps all of us outside reality. 

So, if we're not victims, nor saviours, nor are our brothers and sisters perpetrators, what are we here for?

The only thing that woke me up was the Big Game. A game we came here to play.
Can we enjoy it? Can we design a game that will be decently beneficial for all?
 Like a big party on God's floor where everyone, everyone is invited as a special guest.  (Hafiz, the Persian mystic has a poem precisely making this point)

Or we keep find excuses for the cognitive dissonance  we're entertaining - A fancy name for "I know this is vitally important, but I do not have time or energy to put into it, I m busy with other things etc."

Robin-Edward Poulton, THANK YOU so much for starting off this campaign with your pre-order! 

I was concern the survival and war mindset activate will be another good excuse for why peace-related stuff does not sell. 
Yuhuu! Down to roll:o)

When we get to 100, there's a chance we might be able to produce the book for at least a select few!

A proof this is even at all necessary - otherwise we might all of peace workers under cover retire early and just enjoy life.
no more work to do:o)

Thank you!

