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Charmaine Loverin

Charmaine Loverin

Belleville, Canada

Charmaine Loverin is the Founder of CFMHT and has been nominated for the 2021 National Social Change Women of Influence Award by the Royal Bank of Canada for Loverin‘s Law, a public petition and initiative that requests a Government Act declaring that all Ontario schools designate an Annual Awareness Week for Abuse Prevention. She has also received various awards and recognition including a Top 3 Young Entrepreneurs Award by Ernst & Young and 2020‘s Toronto Waterfront Top Outstanding Women award for Outstanding Achievement.

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About the author

Charmaine is a proud mother of two, survivor of child abuse, sexual assault and currently living with ALS, aka Lou Gherigs Disease.

While battling almost three years with ALS, bravely choosing medically assisted death, she courageously sits waiting trial for a sexual assault that happened in 2017 and stands firmly with thousands of supporting Ontarian’s to see the near ten year initiative “Loverin’s Law” become Law!

Will Charmaine walk a miracle into a cure for ALS? Will the pandemic derail the trial and the Law again? Will Charmaine get to see one last Caribbean trip with her kids? What’s God’s plan?
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Update #12 - BLOG/Publisher or Self Publish? Why I decided the direction I did Aug. 1, 2021

Hi Friends! 
it’s been awhile since my last update and I’m excited to tell you my book is on its last stretch! 
While in with the proofreading team at Atmosphere Press (AP) publishers, I just wrapped with Alex, Content Manager for the back cover synopsis! I’ve been truly enjoying my team experience with AP!! 

Also today I published my first authors blog! Please check it out, I’d love to have your feedback or comments!

I will continue to keep you all posted as we head into post proofreading, marketing, marketing and promotion then official public launch! Expect book signing tours coming your way! 

Thank you for staying close! 

All my affection 

Charmaine Loverin