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Grandma's Alphabet

Laurie Leiker

Are you a Grandma? Whether near or far, spend time with your grandkids with Grandma's Alphabet . . A grandma-centric book to read together

  Children Fiction   0 publishers interested
7 preorders
$95.00 funded


"Grandma's Alphabet" combines fun artwork and grandma-centric words to help grandmas get closer to their grandchildren. Each pair of letters (i.e., A-B, C-D) have rhyming descriptive words, to make reading flow easily. This is the first book of the "Grandma Adventures" series, which will bring more chances for grandmas everywhere to give their grandchildren a big hug, in person or from afar.In the past, when families lived together or close to one another, children bonded with their grandparents, who provided unconditional love and a lap to snuggle into. But today, we're seeing grandmothers raising their grandchilden or they are absent from their grandchildren's lives, because of distance or other family reasons. It can be difficult for grandmothers to bond with their grandchildren, even if they see them all the time. This series, starting with "Grandma's Alphabet," is intended to bring grandmothers closer, even if they live across the country.

Imagine a grandmother living in Seattle, reading "Grandma's Alphabet" to her grandchild, using Skype or FaceTime. Or sitting with her grandchildren in her lap, reading from her tablet. Another grandmother has the paperback with her when she visits, creating a special time just for her to spend with her grandchildren.

When children are exposed to older ones who give them undivided time, unconditional love and support, those children grow up to have greater respect for older ones they come in contact with as they grow older. "Grandma's Alphabet" can help create that experience, even if an unrelated older one reads with them.

The target audience is grandmothers - whether they are part of the family or adopted into the family. The book will appeal to children, ages 1 to 5. Even if there is no grandma around, parents of these young children can foster respect and love for older ones by helping them see that older ones can be a source of unconditional love and lots of fun.

The marketing plan is to:

  • Provide an automatic electronic copy of the book with each paperback ordered, through a website link that will also capture email addresses for future releases;
  • Publicize on social media, targeting grandparents and parents of small children;
  • Public readings/appearances at independent bookstores;
  • One free print copy to preschools and daycare centers.

The same marketing plan will be used for the rest of the "Grandma Adventures" series. One of the things that sets these books apart is that we'll be turning everyday things into an adventure. For instance, while the story talks about going on safari, the pictures will focus on exploring the backyard, turned into a jungle using Grandma's Magic Car - a child's plastic car. Future titles in the series include:

  • Adventures At The Zoo (where the child's stuffed animals and toys are the zoo animals)
  • Monsters Under The Bed (Grandma's Magic Car holds a special container to contain the monsters)
  • Fun At The Farm (Grandma and the child/children take care of the backyard garden, turned into a farm by the Magic Car)
  • I Want A Puppy! (Grandma helps the child explore all the different kinds of dogs and what it takes to own a dog)
  • Let's Cook! (Grandma makes an adventure of making cookies with the child)

Thank you so much for your interest in "Grandma's Alphabet." It's going to be a great adventure as we move through the entire "Grandma Adventures."

    Laurie  Leiker

    About the author

    Grandma Laurie, Laurie Leiker, is a proud grandma. She looked around for books she could share with her grandsons where the grandmother was in the picture, but there were none to be found, so Laurie wrote one ... then another. Grandma Laurie has spent the last 20+ years writing for radio, television, print and the web and has published several successful business books. Now, she's turning her attention to providing a way for her and other grandmothers to connect more closely with their grandkids.

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