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Gregg Potter, You Fool!

Gregg Potter

A collaboration framework from stories of a friend collector.

Gregg Potter, You Fool! highlights everyday events (unintentional collaborations) to examine how we intentionally collaborate with other independent organizations and actors. Assembling a team, delegating roles, creating agreements, hosting meetings, and ending the collaboration are all significant parts of a successful group effort. A component Potter repeats in the book is the need for a facilitator. With the framework in this book, individuals and organizations can examine opportunities to create more impactful collaborations in their lives.

  Management & Leadership   40,000 words   50% complete   10 publishers interested
336 preorders
$8,025.00 funded


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Update #4 - Last Day of the Campaign! March 10, 2021

Thank you all so much for your support! 

We are in the last day of the campaign  (It technically ends tomorrow at 12pm CST but let's not get that caught up in the details. lol).  I am only half way to my goal.  That sounds severe, but I often see miracles happen on the last day of campaigns like this. 

If you have the capacity today, can you:

1) Share the campaign in your networks?  An email would be the most effective but anything helps. 

2) If someone mentioned they are interested, can you follow up with them? 

I am honored that you are one of the first people to purchase this book.  I can't wait to get this campaign finished and move to finishing and publishing it. (insert boat loads of heart emojis) 

In other news.... I heard this song this morning in spin.  Maybe some of you need it this morning.  Turn it up and get to dancing! 

"Share all the love. There's more than enough. Let it rain on you cause you're fabulous!"