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Alexis (Lex) Brown, II, MBA

A Guide To Conquering Career Transition

Grit Grind Grow! is about recognizing your professional purpose, taking meaningful strategic action, and achieving desired career results, regardless of circumstance or current employment status.

  Business & Money    Career; Self-Help   55,000 words   75% complete   2 publishers interested
18 preorders
$395.00 funded


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Update #1 - Day 3 - Grateful for Progress June 6, 2018

Good Morning! It's Day 3 of 30 for this Pre-Order Campaign for "Grit Grind Grow! A Guide To Conquering Career Transition". Thank you to everyone who's already submitted an order, and much appreciation in advance for those who've committed to placing an order sometime this weekend.

Here's the deal - I really need your help in promoting this campaign. Day 1 was an amazing start, but Day 2 didn't move the needle forward. My primary goal with this campaign is to attract one or more publishers to the table to hopefully land an official publishing deal for the book. I have to cross at least the 50 pre-orders milestone before Publishizer will submit my first Query to the publishers waiting in the wing. Please push the campaign link to your social media connections today at your convenience. Any push to gain some momentum for this campaign will be welcomed with open arms.

Thanks again, and I hope you have a blessed day!
