Unsung Heroes Saving Australia’s Vanishing Wildlife
Besides Indoneisa, Australia is home to more endemic animals than other place in the world. Yet, their extinction rate is the worst in the world. This book will discuss the increasing challenges which threaten Australia's wildlife, as well as policy recommendations on how to protect these special animals before it is too late.
On May 3rd, we celebrate International Wild Koala Day. In recognition of this day, I wanted to share some information about its origins and significance. Additionally, there is currently a campaign that you can contribute to to help protect these beloved creatures.
Although koalas are endemic to Australia, their charm and cuteness have worldwide appeal, and the quest to save them has become international. They have been part of the ecosystem for 25 million years, and because of multiple factors such as climate change, disease, and habit loss, they face extinction. After the devastating bushfires of the summer of 2020, koala enthusiasts worldwide declared May 3 as International Wild Koala Day. On this day, people around the globe unite to advocate for the preservation and protection of iconic animals, including animal lovers, environmentalists, wildlife activists, and scientists. Activists plant trees, wear gum leaf t-shirts, educate the public about the unique characteristics, and implement ways to fight global warming as part of their May 3rd celebrations. These festivities are meant to raise awareness about the critical situation these animals face while also providing a glimmer of hope that we can still rescue them from the brink of extinction.
The Australian government's actions regarding koalas have been inconsistent and questionable. On the one hand, they have authorized millions of dollars for koala hospitals, but on the other hand, they have approved the logging and destruction of koala habitats. For instance, the Kiwarrak State Forest in New South Wales, home to one of the State's few small wild koala populations, is set to begin logging on Wild Koala Day, May 3rd. Despite the survival of these koalas during the 2019 bushfires, the actions of greedy developers and corrupt government officials overshadow this year's activities. Protecting the koala habitats from destruction and logging is essential, as other measures, such as funding koala hospitals, serve as little more than lip service to the real issue driving koala extinction.
If you are passionate about wildlife conservation and want to make a difference, participating in International Wild Koala Day is a great opportunity. Unsure of how to contribute? Follow this link to access an email template. By sending the pre-written email, you can personally urge the NSW government to stop logging in the area, thereby helping to protect these animals. This simple, quick, and free action can be done from anywhere in the world, regardless of your nationality. Remember, your voice matters and can help save these beloved creatures.