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Guardians Down Under

Claudia Clark

Unsung Heroes Saving Australia’s Vanishing Wildlife

Besides Indoneisa, Australia is home to more endemic animals than other place in the world. Yet, their extinction rate is the worst in the world. This book will discuss the increasing challenges which threaten Australia's wildlife, as well as policy recommendations on how to protect these special animals before it is too late.

  Nature & Environment   50,000 words   25% complete   0 publishers interested
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Update #2 - Update on Upcoming Trip to Australia June 6, 2024

I am excited to announce some updates about the progress of my book. First, I have purchased my ticket to Adelaide. I will arrive at 3:30 p.m. on August 29. I have not purchased my return ticket yet, but I anticipate I will probably leave around September 30th. While much of my trip is still in the planning stages, I am thrilled to report the tentative plans for my visit to Adelaide, South Australia.

 One of my friends is going to keep me extremely busy while I am in South Australia and has arranged for me to meet some exciting people in Southern Australia.  I plan to spend a day at the Southern Koala and Echidna Rescue and meet with the staff and some of the animals up close.  I have never seen an echidna, so I am super excited about that.  Additionally, I plan to spend some time at the Adelaide Koala and Wildlife Centre where I can meet more amazing people who spend their lives caring for these amazing creatures.  My friend has also promised a couple of visits to some kangaroo sanctuaries not too far from Adelaide.  

After spending a busy few days in Adelaide, I plan to spend a few days on Kangaroo Island, where, among other things, I am going to take a tour and meet the wonderful photographer Nikki Redman, whose photo is on the cover of my book.  I have followed the work of Nikki for years, and I am thrilled about the opportunity to finally meet her in person. Following this short trip,  I will return to Victoria, where I intend to spend some time with various friends who run wildlife sanctuaries stay tuned for further updates on how that trip will unfold. 

Besides organizing my trip, I have been busy promoting Vanishing Down Under. My latest article appeared recently in Authority Magazine. Click below for the link to read the article.

Additionally, I appeared on a podcast with fellow environmentalist author Lori Myren-Manbeck, the author of the upcoming book We Can Save the World: Mars Can Wait.  Stay tuned for excerpts from that interview.

Finally, my agent is working on some really promising news. I do not want to say too much until I know more, but as one of my favorite journalists  Rachel Maddow, often says, "Watch This Space."