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Healthy Hunter

Dr. Brooks

Your Guide to Becoming the Ultimate Predator

The Healthy Hunter helps outdoorsmen improve their health through wilderness focused fitness and wild game based nutritious food so that they can live better, healthier, longer, high quality lives to allow them to pass on their love of God's great creation and hunting with their kids and grandkids.

  Health, Fitness & Dieting    Hunting   14,000 words   100% complete   17 publishers interested
$135.00 funded
2% of goal
5 preorders
2% of goal
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Update #2 - Healthy Hunter update challenge Aug. 17, 2016

Hope you are having a great week! 

How are you doing on your journey to becoming a Healthy Hunter? 

Make sure to swing by and check out the Thor Day Challenge. Try out the one from last week and then come back tomorrow for a new one. Push yourself and make yourself better. 

Forward this link to your friends and challenge them to become a Healthy Hunter.

Remember that if you pre-order the book you get some nice bonuses at

Have a blessed week

- Brooks