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Heart Sparking Performance

Jon Root

It's about Consciousness (and it's about time)

Don't overthink it, Heart spark it. There is a map, with metaphor, that serves as a manual to craft highly successful performance. It is also a cozy comforter for change.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement    Health and Wellness   50,000 words   100% complete   Published by Sunbury Press
301 preorders
$5,256.00 funded


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Update #2 - Stanford Neuroscience research on Pain supports a book chapter. Jan. 23, 2019

Across 2 'circles' of consciousness, Physical body and Emotional, I discuss variations of Pain, how we respond and register. Termed Reminder Pain and Portal Pain, the discussion addresses emotional pain as a portal to higher teachings, self awareness leading to greater understanding of negative energy embedded in an emotional reaction. 

On Jan 17th, 2019, Stanford Neuroscience  research published results stating they have identified 2 different areas of the brain, one responsible for registering physical pain, one responsible for how we register/process emotional pain. 

Physical pain is a reminder something is out of balance, needing healing or release. Emotional pain isn't as straightforward, but can serve as a teacher by exploring the proverbial question of 'why do I feel this way'? Hidden emotional files in our psyche need scrubbing, thus supporting the positive mindset necessary for impact performances.

Stay tuned for another update. 

Thank you all for supporting this vision.