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David Clive Price Ph.D.

David Clive Price Ph.D.

London, United Kingdom

David Clive Price is an internationally renowned Global Leadership and Life Coach, author, speaker and teacher of mental and spiritual wellbeing.

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About the author

Born in South London to Welsh parents, he graduated from Cambridge University with a Ph.D. in Renaissance History, won a British Academy fellowship to lecture at Bologna University, and wrote his first books⎯ including a novel⎯when living as a farmer-translator in Tuscany.

He then moved to Japan and Hong Kong to study Asian cultures while taking up his first professional position as the chief speechwriter for the HSBC Group during the return of Hong Kong to China.

David continued to develop a passion for the people, religions and cultures of the world, which was reflected in a series of travel books including a study of Buddhism and spiritual beliefs. Combining ancient healing practices with a holistic approach to self-leadership, he developed David Clive Price Method: Discover Your Superpower.

With this method he helps clients look within themselves and discover their true inner voice, overcoming their “hidden demons” of anxiety, addiction and fear of failure. He then sets them on a course to higher performance, fulfillment and authenticity.
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Success! Hidden Demons: How to Overcome Anxiety, Addiction and Fear of Failure has already sold 2 pre-orders , was pitched to 8 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

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+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
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+ Recognized as an Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
+ Free Program: Six Life Strategies
+ Recognized as an Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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$150 Supporter Package

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+ 10 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
+ Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
+ FREE one hr "Hidden Demons" session (Zoom) or FREE "Life Strategies" session valued at $400
+ Recognized as an Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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+ 20 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
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+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
+ FREE invitation to join my online Mastermind "Hidden Demons - Six Life Strategies" valued at $400
+ Recognized as an Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

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$347 Free Mastermind Package

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+ 30 Limited Edition Paperback Copies
+ Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
+ FREE Invitation to attend my Weekend Retreat or Private Mastermind in London UK, valued at $2,000
+ FREE invitation to join my online Mastermind "Hidden Demons - Six Life Strategies" valued at $400
+ Recognized as an Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

**This package is valued at more than $2,800

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$2000 Corporate Sponsor Package

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+ 45 Limited Edition Paperback Copies for you and your team
+ Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)
+ Free Ebook: Bamboo Strong
+ A half day "Hidden Demons - Six Life Strategies" workshop for your team teaching the tools from my book, valued at $1,500
+ FREE Invitation to attend my Weekend Retreat or Private Mastermind, valued at $2,000
+ 2 hour video consult and exclusive Q&A with Dr. David Clive Price valued at $1,000
+ Recognized as an Official Supporter in the printed Limited Edition, the commercial release edition, and the final Ebook (PDF, ePUB, MOBI)

**This package is valued at more than $6,000

45 copies + ebook included

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Update #1 - My new book is available for pre-order NOW! Dec. 3, 2019

Dear Friend,

Did you know that 50% of Millennials have a mental health issue at some stage in their life? This is a scary statistic and it's only getting worse.

My new book Hidden Demons: How to Overcome Anxiety, Addiction and Fear of Failure is available for pre-order today on my crowdfunding campaign on Publishizer!

To secure your copy, click on the link here and check out the great bonuses.

This book will help you break through your anxiety, addiction and fear of failure by learning new coping skills in your personal and professional life along with step-by-step instructions on how to use them.

The campaign runs for only 25 days, so pre-order your copy NOW and please share it with your community. If I hit my target of 250 pre-orders I'll have a good chance of attracting a publisher to get this book widely distributed.

Mental health is one of the challenges of our lifetime, so thank you for supporting this important book.

Warm regards,


PS. Once you subscribe, I'll send you updates on the book's publishing journey.