Break through your anxiety, addiction and fear of failure by learning new coping skills in your personal and professional life along with step-by-step instructions on how to use them.
Seasonal Greetings to you!
With Christmas almost upon us, it is perhaps a good moment amid all the festivities to reflect on those who are alone at this time of year, who are depressed or anxious, or suffering from addiction.
As I write about in my new book Hidden Demons: How to Overcome Anxiety, Addiction and Fear of Failure, alcohol is one of the prime addictions of those who have mental health issues, but it is not the only one.
Everyone has a family member, friend or colleague who has suffered from mental health issues at some point in their lives. I believe we must bring these issues into the open for our well-being, for our loved ones and the people we work with; for society and globally.
To help me in my global mission and secure your copy, click on the link here and check out the great bonuses and special offers.
The campaign runs for only 14 days more, so pre-order your copy NOW and please share it with your community. If I hit my target of 250 pre-orders I'll have a good chance of attracting a publisher to get this book widely distributed.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!