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How a Neurological Disorder Changed my Life for the Better

Patrick Bohan

The Science behind Nerve, Muscular, and Neuromuscular Disorders and their Effects on Cycling

I achieved athletic success with a debilitating neurological condition for three reasons. First, training techniques can alter muscle protein composition overcoming physical limitations. Second, training can bypass diseased cells by creating alternate neural pathways for the brain and muscles to communicate. Finally, improving personality traits such as resiliency, grit, and mental toughness can help overcome physical limitations such as pain.

  Sports & Outdoors   125,000 words   50% complete   5 publishers interested
323 preorders
$6,460.00 funded



The good news is people are living longer, the bad news is people are suffering from higher rates of morbidity. Further complicating matters is that the medical community treats the symptoms and not the illness allowing people to live longer but the quality of life is reduced. Most reasons for morbidity are because our genes are being exposed to environments that they never experienced during the evolution process such as certain prescription drugs, less sleep, alcohol uses, smoking, exposure to toxins, stress, new illnesses, and certain foods. The result is disease and, in many cases, autoimmune disorders. In fact, according to Daniel Lieberman there is a good chance you will die from a disease caused by genetic mismatches with environmental factors. To put matters in perspective, according to the CDC there are about 600 rare diseases and the prevalence rate all 600 diseases in the United States alone is over 10%. What's worse, if all diseases are taken into account about 25 to 33% of the United States is sick or will be sick in the next few years. That is extraordinary because many disorders can be avoided through a well-balanced diet and exercise. If you have been suffering from disease and illness such as chronic pain then may be interested in this book.

This book explains my story and philosophy to cope with two chronic debilitating neurological conditions while competing in cycling. What's more, after 13 years of testing and visiting 9 neurologist I have been misdiagnosed several times and they are still uncertain about my current diagnosis. Thus, it is possible that I have something that is completely unique and science has yet to catch up with my disorder. The important facets of my story are acceptance, advocacy, adaptation, and attitude (AAAA). Although Peripheral Nerve Hyper-excitation (PNH) and neuropathy disorders can be debilitating and wreak-havoc on the lives of those inflicted, it is still possible to have a productive, successful, and meaningful life. Furthermore, without practicing AAAA, instead of winning races I would be requiring assistance to walk and to do other everyday functions. Although gene expression and adaptation for exercise and diet are unique to each individual, 99.9% of all people obtain some benefits. This novel book educates the public about my experiences and what I learned from my medical and cycling journey about a plethora of subjects including anatomy, epidemiology, physiology, neuromuscular disease, environmental factors, pain, fear, stress, depression, acceptance, adaptation, mental toughness, competition, diet,and endurance training to name a few. The bottom line is that not only is vigorous exercise achievable but so too is athletic improvement and success in the presence of a debilitating neurological disorder. Furthermore, athletic achievement is possible in the absence of athletic genes.

My experience and research have enlightened me to blog about peripheral nerve hyper-excitation (PNH) disorders. My blog post “The Misconceptions of Benign Fasciculation Syndrome” has produced over 150 thousand reads. Other blog posts I have written on the subject have received thousands of reads. Several years back I also participated in a forum on paresthesia symptoms on a Huffington Post webcast. I am not a doctor and do not hold a PhD in any educational field (I have a B.S. in electrical engineering). None the less, I have had several doctors stricken with PNH reach out to me asking for my advice. For instance, I sent the section on “Fear” to one doctor suffering from PNH and he wrote me back saying “The Fear component of the book is fabulous”. My communication with patients, my independent research for this text, my blogs, and my survey have provided me a clearer picture of what is going on but I am certainly no expert (I may know more than most, but no one is an expert). At the same time, I can speculate with more certainty about what is going on with me. As far as expertise in cycling is concerned, I have been competing in cycling the past 7 years and have been on the podium in over 100 races including national and state titles in time trial events. Yes, I have many cycling achievements, but what makes these accomplishments unique is that they were attained while I was battling two debilitating neurological conditions that impair both strength and power.

Sales arguments

  • The last chapter is an epidemiology study on peripheral nerve hyper-excitation (PNH) disorders. This is an anonymous survey that enabled me to statistically define the conditions including finding correlation between parameters. Due to my research I have had hundreds of persons reach out to me asking specific questions and needing advice. Thus, I can build a fairly large email list. Also, due to my survey study, I am well known on social media sites for PNH disorders.
  • My blog post entitled "The Misconceptions of Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS)" has received 150,000 hits. BFS is a PNH disorder. Other blog posts have received thousands of reads.
  • My ties to the cycling community are fairly deep in part due to my success. Since I started racing 7 years ago, at age 50, I won over 70 races and been on the podium in over 100 races.

Similar titles

  • Overcoming Functional Neurology Symptoms: A Five Area Approach, Allen Carson et. al. CRC Press, 2011. This book focuses on cognitive therapy; whereas, my book focuses on exercise to overcome neurological symptoms.
  • Back in the Game: Why Concussion Doesn't have to End Your Athletic Career, Jeffery S Kutcher MD, Oxford University Press, 2017, This book deals with upper motor neuron dysfunction and is written by a doctor and not an athlete; whereas, my book concentrates on lower motor neuron dysfunction and its perspective is from the point of view of an athlete.
  • The Courage to go Forward: The Power of Micro-communities, David Codani, Morgan James Publishing, 2018, This book describes how support groups can change the lives. David went from not being able to run a half mile to completing the Iron Man triathlon. My book focuses more on individual coping mechanisms when support from friends, family, or the medical community is not sufficient.


Any patient or persons knowing someone who is coping with neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain. Others that may find the information in this text useful are master athletes, fitness trainers, coaches, medical professionals, and others who may coping with chronic illness.

Advance praise

One orthopedic surgeon suffering from neurological disease, who wishes to remain anonymous, told me “The Fear component of the book is fabulous”. Many persons with neurological disorders tend to believe what they have is more sinister, such as ALS, brain tumors, or MS since onset symptoms of benign conditions may be similar.

Patrick Bohan

About the author

MoneySense is a book on personal finance and Defending Freedom of Contract is a book on Constitutional Law.
I have seen 9 neurologists over the past 13 years and my diagnosis has change 4 times. Currently my diagnosis is both cramp fasciculation syndrome (CFS) and chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) or multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). A definitive diagnosis has been difficult to pin point because my symptoms and diagnostic testing results do not fit any one disorder. My symptoms are vast and include motor, sensory, and autonomic nerves.
My neurological condition forced me to evolve to cycling 7 years ago after other activities were deemed a safety concern (rock climbing) or too painful (running). I participated in my first race at age 50 and have since won over 70 races and been on the podium over 100 times despite significant muscle power impairment.

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  • Update #10 - Free Kindle Download Feb. 19, 2021

    Hi again,

    If you like, you can download a free kindle version at the following link:

    How a Neurological Disorder Changed My Life for the …

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  • Update #7 - Final Edits Jan. 25, 2021

    We are in the final stages of releasing the book. The cover is done. Grammar and formatting edits done. Text deleting, additions, and moving edits are …

  • Update #6 - Getting Close Dec. 24, 2020

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  • Update #4 - Update title Sept. 30, 2020

    Hi Friends and Family,

    Here is a quick update on my book. 

    I finished my research and my editor finished doing my pre-edit before it …

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    Hi Friends / Family / Patients, 

    Thank you to each and every one of you for contributing to this campaign to bring more attention to …

  • Update #2 - Book Campaign Update Aug. 20, 2020

    Hi Friends / Family / Neurological Patients,

    Thank you for purchasing my book and all the great comments. I am truly a lucky and blessed …

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    Hi Friends / Family / Neurological Patients,

    Thank you for purchasing my book and all the great comments. I am truly a lucky and blessed …

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  • Don Ladwig
    on July 31, 2020, 8:54 p.m.

    Hey Pat! I look forward to reading your book and understanding what you've been through. I think it's great that you've turned your experience into a positive one. I'm sure it was not easy.

  • Linda Benson
    on July 31, 2020, 9:27 p.m.

    I can’t wait to read the book. As someone with Neuropathy who used to do Triathlons I am also finding the bike is good therapy. Thanks for your inspiration.

  • Geert Geysen
    on Aug. 1, 2020, 8:03 a.m.

    Dear Patrick

    I am a big fan of your work. Keep it up!

    all the best
    Geert Geysen, Belgium

  • Ken Agee
    on Aug. 2, 2020, 2:03 a.m.

    Looking forward to reading this book!

  • John Ledford
    on Aug. 5, 2020, 3:35 p.m.

    Thanks for publishing your story and shedding light on this rare disorder.
    Take care,
    John Ledford

  • Deborah Miller
    on Aug. 5, 2020, 8:38 p.m.


    Your story is educational and inspiring!
    Keep the good work going!

    Ken & Debbie Miller

  • Mark Wolfe
    on Aug. 12, 2020, 5:57 p.m.

    Hi Pat,

    Very inspiring. I am very proud of your accomplishments. I don't know if you are sending the books or the website is. Please give all but 1 that I ordered to someone that you know that might be similarly afflicted and can be encouraged by your story.
    Thank you for making a difference.

    Take care,

  • Patrick Bohan
    on Aug. 13, 2020, 4:07 p.m.

    Thank you so much for the response. It is amazing to have such great friends, family, and fellow neurological patients interested. It has been difficult to write this story because it reveals so much about my health and personal life, but I think it is necessary. I am at peace with my situation but there are many more that are struggling. Hopefully, I can make an impact and help others.

  • Theresa Grillo
    on Aug. 14, 2020, 3:11 p.m.

    Good Luck, Patrick. Can't wait to read the book. Tessy

  • Shawn Gillis
    on Aug. 15, 2020, 7:22 p.m.

    You are a great inspiration, keep up the focus and the very inspiring hard work.

  • Carl Newberg
    on Aug. 19, 2020, 12:34 a.m.

    Hey Patrick, I think I got it to work this time. I'm looking forward to reading your book and passing along a few copies to friends. Good luck with this project and take care!

  • Eduardo Bartolome
    on Aug. 26, 2020, 4:33 a.m.

    Hey Pat,

    You always trying to make an impact. Thanks a lot for being that way! Looking fwd to some learning :)


    • Patrick Bohan
      on Aug. 27, 2020, 12:05 a.m.

      Can't be that way without being surrounded by some great friends, co-workers, and family.

  • Rex Teggatz
    on Aug. 26, 2020, 2:27 p.m.

    Pat, great to see you fighting the good fight. Keep the torches lit!

    Rex T. 💪

  • Patrick Bohan
    on Aug. 27, 2020, 12:10 a.m.

    Thank you for all the amazing support and comments. One of the things I learned in my research is that the success of people coping with an illness is highly dependent on their support system. This is true, you all inspire me to go forward and hopefully bring some awareness to neurological and autoimmune disorders.

  • Stephen Seccombe
    on Aug. 29, 2020, 3:50 p.m.

    All of the events I was planning for this year have been canceled. Is there anything left that you are aware of?

    • Patrick Bohan
      on Aug. 31, 2020, 12:41 p.m.

      Hi Steve,

      Thanks for your generosity. The KHMTT at Cherry Creek State Park happens every Wed starting Sept 9. That is generally a good one. That is all I know about at this time.


  • Drew Heimerl
    on Aug. 31, 2020, 12:03 a.m.

    Sorry to take this down to the wire. Best of luck to you.


  • Anonymous
    on Feb. 19, 2021, 3:26 a.m.

    Looking forward to your book! Tried the link but it doesn't work.



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Includes 3 copies of the book, and you also receive 10 one-hour zoom sessions with me for anyone suffering from neurological disease and just want someone to talk to. I understand that many times friends and family do not think they are really sick. I know this all too well. Since I cycle pretty good, no one believes me that I am truly sick. I can also offer advice for exercise plans, dealing with pain, coping with fear, and developing goals. You can give the extra copies to family members and friends who do not believe you :)


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