The Science behind Nerve, Muscular, and Neuromuscular Disorders and their Effects on Cycling
I achieved athletic success with a debilitating neurological condition for three reasons. First, training techniques can alter muscle protein composition overcoming physical limitations. Second, training can bypass diseased cells by creating alternate neural pathways for the brain and muscles to communicate. Finally, improving personality traits such as resiliency, grit, and mental toughness can help overcome physical limitations such as pain.
Hi Friends / Family / Neurological Patients,
Thank you for purchasing my book and all the great comments. I am truly a lucky and blessed person to know you all.
This is a quick update about the book campaign. It has gone over 250 books purchased and the campaign is moving towards its final week. There are 6 hybrid publishers interested. Ultimately, it would be great to get enough sales to interest traditional publishers. Thus, I would be appreciated if you would forward this campaign to anyone that you think may be interested. I know some of you have already provided links on your FB and Linkedin pages. I can use all the help I can get.
I have been contacted by a few organizations to do interviews including a small TV station in New Mexico.
Most of the book has been written and I am working with my editor to do some reorganization and grammar changes. I still have a few sections to write and finish such as on epigenetics and I waiting on my genome testing to be completed in the next few weeks.
Thank you,