The Science behind Nerve, Muscular, and Neuromuscular Disorders and their Effects on Cycling
I achieved athletic success with a debilitating neurological condition for three reasons. First, training techniques can alter muscle protein composition overcoming physical limitations. Second, training can bypass diseased cells by creating alternate neural pathways for the brain and muscles to communicate. Finally, improving personality traits such as resiliency, grit, and mental toughness can help overcome physical limitations such as pain.
We are in the final stages of releasing the book. The cover is done. Grammar and formatting edits done. Text deleting, additions, and moving edits are done. We are just doing the final round of checks. Hopefully that will not be very long.
You all have been acknowledged in the book and if you have a business, your website was also published.
The publisher also granted me a few new contracts for books. The first is to do a children's book (fictional story based on my situation). It is a YA or young adult book for a children up to about 12 ish. This book is also ongoing and has started.
I was also contracted to tell my story about my bike accident and recovery. I was surprised about this opportunity because I did not think my situation was that overly novel. I guess the publisher was impressed by my story when I went over it with him. I have started this project as well and have been documenting all the events up to this point and keeping a journal moving forward.
As far as my recovery is concerned, the doctor who did my facial reconstruction said I no longer have any restrictions. Right now the shoulder is the most constrictive issue, but it is coming along a bit each day. Most everything else is back to normal - my weight and my training. My digestion has been off and I fear that may never be normal again due to that toxic megacolon I had. My face is still numb and they are hopeful this will get better. These are minor issues, I can live with them. Once the shoulder is good, I should be good as new. I knew I would never get back to 100%. My face is not perfect, the shoulder will always have some issues, my digestive system may be impaired, and my physiology to cycle may also be off a bit but life is good. I am happy and grateful for what I have. If went into the rehab expecting everything to work as it did before, I knew I would be disappointed. My goal is 100% recovery but I know anything above 95% would be also be fantastic.
Again, thank you all for your support on this project and your concern for my health.