The Science behind Nerve, Muscular, and Neuromuscular Disorders and their Effects on Cycling
I achieved athletic success with a debilitating neurological condition for three reasons. First, training techniques can alter muscle protein composition overcoming physical limitations. Second, training can bypass diseased cells by creating alternate neural pathways for the brain and muscles to communicate. Finally, improving personality traits such as resiliency, grit, and mental toughness can help overcome physical limitations such as pain.
Hi Folks,
I guess the timing of the release of my book was poor. The plan was to print books yesterday since Monday was President's Day. Unfortunately, my publisher and printer are in Texas and they are without power.
I lived in Texas and if there was 1/2 inch of snow it shut down the city of Dallas. So I understand what is happening.
I do not know when things will be back up, but I will keep you posted.