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How To Be the Best Mama EVER!

Chigozie Mbadugha

"How to Be the Best Mama Ever" is a practical and inspiring guide for mothers, offering essential advice on self-care, effective communication, positive discipline, and balancing work and family life. It combines expert insights with real-life stories to support and empower mothers on their unique parenting journeys.

  Parenting   40,000 words   50% complete   0 publishers interested

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Many parenting books focus solely on child-rearing techniques, often neglecting the mother's well-being. This oversight can lead to burnout, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy among mothers. According to a 2018 survey by the American Psychological Association, 77% of mothers report feeling stressed about their ability to juggle the demands of work and family life. Moreover, a study published in the Journal of Family Issues found that mothers often experience higher levels of stress and lower levels of life satisfaction compared to fathers. This indicates a significant gap in resources that address the holistic needs of mothers, encompassing both effective parenting strategies and self-care.

How to Be the Best Mama Ever addresses this gap by providing a comprehensive approach that balances practical parenting advice with essential self-care strategies. The book's methodology is grounded in research and expert insights, and it is designed to support mothers in their unique parenting journeys. Key takeaways include:

- Self-Care Routines: Practical tips for incorporating self-care into daily life.

- Support Systems: Strategies for building a robust support network.

- Effective Communication: Age-appropriate techniques for communicating with children.

- Positive Discipline: Methods for setting boundaries with love and respect.

- Developmental Support: Activities to nurture your child's growth and development.

- Work-Life Balance: Time management tips for balancing professional and personal responsibilities.

-Emotional Intelligence: Techniques for managing emotions and teaching emotional resilience to children.

By following the guidance in "How to Be the Best Mama Ever," mothers will not only enhance their parenting skills but also improve their overall well-being. The book offers a blend of practical advice and emotional support, empowering mothers to create meaningful, lasting memories with their children while maintaining their own happiness and health. With real-life stories, expert advice, and interactive exercises, this book becomes an invaluable resource for mothers seeking to thrive in their roles.

I feel qualified to write this book for various reasons because I am a medical doctor and a consultant ophthalmologist. I struggled with subfertility and when my children eventually came, I was determined to be the best mom in the whole world while juggling a stressful Ophthalmology residency program, postgraduate courses and exams and running the home with minimal support from my extremely busy barrister husband whose legal practice involved a lot of urgent spur of the moment out of town travels 

Sales arguments

  • Motherhood is not a competition and a lot of mothers are coming to that realisation now. The need for self-care is also a major issue today as women are realising that if they do not take good care of themselves physically and mentally, they are not in the best frame of mind to run a home or nurture emotionally intelligent and stable children.
  • My platform here is young but will grow quickly. I am present on social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and I am considering opening an account on Tiktok. My more active social media handles are those of my self-publishing company @cambabooks, but I am creating social media handles for myself and growing them. CambaBooks has over 1200 followers on IG and over 1700 followers on X
  • I have served as a judge in well publicised literary contests and festivals, literary workshop facilitator, and session panelist.
  • I have been on several radio and national television shows to discuss my writing as well as promote eye health and prevent blindness. I have been an exhibitor at national and international book fairs, and festivals.
  • I have participated in book club and school book readings to create awareness about my children's books and promote the reading culture amongst children

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My target audience is mothers of young children, pre-teens, and teenagers who struggle with a work-life balance and feel their children are suffering because they are pursuing a career alongside the demanding full-time unpaid job of being a mother...and who genuinely want to be good mothers.

Chigozie Mbadugha

About the author

I am a medical doctor and a consultant ophthalmologist. I struggled with subfertility and when my children eventually came, I was determined to be the best mom in the whole world while juggling a stressful Ophthalmology residency program, postgraduate courses and exams and running the home with minimal support from my extremely busy barrister husband whose legal practice involved a lot of urgent spur of the moment out of town travels

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