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AD Robles

AD Robles

Keene, New Hampshire

AD Robles is happily married to Brittany. Together they are raising three sons in the great state of New Hampshire.

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About the author

AD Robles is a conservative Christian living in the state of New Hampshire with his wife and three young sons. He grew up in a conservative Christian household but came to faith as an adult when he lives in New York City and worked in technical consulting/talent acquisition on Wall Street. Shortly after his conversion, he moved to Vermont where he took up the preaching duties of a community church in Middletown Springs and subsequently planted a church in Rutland, VT.

After the election of Donald Trump in 2016, he noticed an alarming trend of overtly progressive ideas being preached from formerly conservative pulpits around the country. In particular, the issue of race, caught his attention since he is 100% Puerto Rican. Since then he has grown a YouTube channel and podcast solely dedicated to the rise of race/gender-focused "social justice" nicknamed the "woke church," and the biblical answers to this error, which many see as the most significant threat to the gospel of Jesus Christ in a generation.
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Success! How to Defeat the Woke Church Movement has already sold 173 pre-orders , was pitched to 7 publishers , and will be published by Morgan James .
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Update #2 - Manuscript Complete! Feb. 5, 2021

Hi everyone!  The manuscript is complete and I have read it through...I think you are really going to love this book. If you have ever wanted to have an organized place to send my content to friends and family, but didn't know how to navigate my 700+ videos on YouTube....this will be perfect for you! 

Lots of Bible verses. Lots of quotations dissected. Good stuff. 

I've had a number of meetings with the publisher and editors and we are starting to form more finalized marketing plans and such. I will keep you all posted the closer we have things firmed up.