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Peter Bragino

Peter Bragino

Amityville, New York

At the age of 30, I almost lost everything to drug addiction. This book chronicles my pursuit to achieve my childhood dream of becoming an artist.

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About the author

Peter Bragino is a multi-discipline, mixed-media artist, designer, treasure hunter, and soul searcher. No matter the medium, his art has always been a manifestation of his personal spiritual journey and recovery. He shares his vision with the world in the hope of inspiring a deeper connection between you, the viewer, and your own life journey. He makes art to encourage people to live deeply, love fearlessly, and to appreciate this heavenly place called Earth.

After serving in the Marine Corps for five years, he began his artistic career as a freelance airbrush artist in California. He fell deeply in love with the process of creation and quickly moved on to painting on canvas and creating his own visions. Four years to the date of leaving the Marines, while deep in the throes of addiction--and experiencing recurrent suicidal ideations--he was arrested for drug possession and placed into a one-year court appointed rehabilitation program. Upon completion of the program he moved back to New York to study classical drawing and begin his career as a fine artist.

From the age of 30 on, he has spent well over 7,500 hours honing his craft, at least 5,000 of which were spent drawing the human figure from life. From this, he's created over 40 sketchbooks, thousands of drawings, and hundreds of paintings and three-dimensional works.
Message has always trumped medium. Whether through drawing, murals, sculpture, jewelry, or painting he wants the viewer to see through his eyes how beautiful he believes the world is: to appreciate the Sacred Mysteries of Life. He turned struggle into both art and music--both of which saved his life. Most of all he wants you to remember that dreams really can come true if you dedicate yourself fully to their pursuit and maintain the faith to allow them to be born.

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* You’ll also get a special group video session on "drawing the human form" with me.

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Update #12 - Signed Contract and we're off...... Jan. 15, 2019

Hey there, 

It's been some time since I last wrote about the publishing deal that was on the table...

I can now finally say, with a signed contract in hand, that I partnered with Koehler Books in a co-publishing deal to bring I AM HUMAN to market. -

It has been a long and informative road to get us here, but I'm happy to say that I have a publisher and I couldn't be any more pleased with them. Over the past 10 months, I've had a rough go at trying to understand the publishing world, attempting to self-publish, etc.. It has been quite a journey. John from Koehler books has been an ally throughout this process trying to help me find the best solution for myself and giving me advice along the way. In the end, and after some renegotiations, John Koehler and I were able to find common ground, and we're now working together to bring this book to market. 

I'm not sure yet what the publishing timeline is, but he mentioned May as a publish date goal. There is a lot of work to do on my part to integrate with their process and get I AM HUMAN the best possible chance to reach more people. I have an extensive Authors Questionnaire to fill out that will set this process into motion. Once that's done I'll have my welcome meeting with them, and I'll get a better idea of the timelines for printing. 

That information will be passed to you as soon as I get the final word as you are still my number one priority as this process unfolds. The good thing for both of us is that the final product, the book you'll have in your hands will be the most professional version that it could be and that's important to me. 

So, here we go..
Thanks for taking this ride with me. Can't wait to get your book to you!!
