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Gina Bennett

Gina Bennett

Virginia Beach, Virginia

Gina M Bennett served as a long-standing member of the Senior Analytic Service at the Central Intelligence Agency with a 34-year career in Intelligence, Counterterrorism, and National Security.

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About the author

Ms. Bennett is a seasoned counterterrorism specialist who authored in the early 1990s the earliest warnings about Osama Bin Laden’s global, extremist movement. Her analysis and pathbreaking career have been covered by major media outlets, featuring her role in raising women's voices in national security, Intelligence, and counterterrorism. 

Ms. Bennett is a mother of 5 children; serves as an active honorary board member of Girl Security—a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating pathways for girls to enter national security careers; and is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University. She received her bachelor's degree at the University of Virginia and her masters as a distinguished graduate of the Marine Corps War College.

As the author of “National Security Mom” and “National Security Mom 2: America Needs a Timeout," Ms. Bennett advocates for understanding America’s national security, not as merely the tangible safety of US borders and buildings, but as the resilience and courage required to remain true to our national character in the face of adversity.
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If If Two of Them Are Dead hits 500 pre-orders by Friday 1 November 2024 9 P.M. UTC, then it will be pitched to 9 traditional publishers when the campaign ends. If If Two of Them Are Dead hits 250 pre-orders by Friday 1 November 2024 9 P.M. UTC, then it will be pitched to 17 hybrid publishers when the campaign ends. If If Two of Them Are Dead hits 500 pre-orders by Friday 1 November 2024 9 P.M. UTC, then it will be pitched to 33 publishers when the campaign ends.
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Publishizer is a crowdfunding literary agency. If 500 pre-orders is reached, then we pitch this proposal to traditional publishers. If not reached, then it gets pitched to non-traditional publishers.

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Update #2 - Finished the final chapter & name a character winner announcement! Oct. 2, 2024

Hello friends! 

I put the pen down! At least for now!  Finished the last chapter and epilogue and now all I'm waiting for is the name, persona, and some details about the winner of the "name a character" contest! 

Speaking of which, the winner is a former student of mine, Natalie F. She is excited to name the character, who is currently going by the alias of BLANK, in my book. However, she is getting married this weekend, and is understandably a bit busy! 

I'm going to keep the campaign for pre-orders going through the end of October (and possibly while the book is in edit next month). For one thing, as a first-time fiction writer, I suspect the revisions will take a lot more time than with my non-fiction work. So building up more pre-orders will be a good thing! 

Thank you again for your support, and please tell your friends! - g