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Chiemi Souen

Life's Purpose

IKIGAI is an illustrated historical fiction children’s book about a story that takes place on the island of Okinawa in the oceanside village of Chinen, Japan.

  Children Fiction   1,300 words   100% complete   Published by Brandylane Publishers, Inc.
1280 preorders
$27,370.00 funded


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Update #15 - Opportunities for Non-Profits and Businesses June 4, 2021

Aloha Friends and Family, 

If you have been following IKIGAI on social media than you know how excited we are that the preorders are going to be here soon and that it is now available on online bookstores ALL OVER THE WORLD! 

I have been cyber-stalking my book and found that pre-orders can be made on the usual US platforms — amazon, Barnes and Noble and — but also on many sites based in Asia, Europe and Australia! 

One more opportunity I want to share is for non-profits and businesses. If you contact my publisher, Brandylane, you can get IKIGAI at wholesale price AND have your logo printed on the book with a customized message from your organization. Email me at if you are interested or have any questions. 

My sensei, Choichi Terukina, would often theme his productions "TOBE! Sekai E!" or "FLY! To the WORLD!" because he wanted to share his gift of uta-sanshin with the world. Seeing IKIGAI reaching beyond the shores of Hawaii and Okinawa is a dream come true for all my sensei and sanshin brothers and sisters. 

Mahalo piha and Ippei Nifwe Deebiru for your support!

Chiemi Souen