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Insanely Indian

Ayesha Raj

A novel

'Insanely Indian' is a political romance which captures the human need for being rooted and asserting one's identity. It takes you on a journey of love, marriage, parenthood and 'Indian-ness' in contemporary times, and addresses some of the dilemmas faced by the 'global' Indian.

  Literary Fiction   0 publishers interested
113 preorders
$3,620.00 funded


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Update #4 - 100% funded! Jan. 16, 2015

You have done it! A big thank you to friends, family, people who are about to become friends, and supporters of my writing. Without you this would not have been possible. Small drops in the ocean, each order has counted towards the big picture and for that I am so grateful. I strive to deliver a book that will stay in your memory, and that will connect with you no matter who you are.

Watch this space for updates, news about the release date, book launch and other events for Insanely Indian.

With much gratitude and humility,
