A Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel
A teenage boy trying to remain unnoticed after surviving a tragic incident inherits superhuman cognitive abilities via an alien encounter and undergoes a transformation while attempting to save the world.
Let me begin by thanking you again for your tremendous support. My campaign has run its course, and thanks to you, a total of 531 copies of my novel were pre-ordered; my goal heading into this campaign was to hopefully sell 100 copies!
Now that my campaign is done, I am currently trying to get a publisher to pick up my novel. I am in discussions with 10 publishers as of this update. The more I learn about the publishing process, the more I have come to realize that my novel being picked up by a publisher is a long shot.
I am still going to explore the publishing avenue further, likely for another month. If after a month my novel has not been picked up by a publisher, I will very likely self-publish my novel. However, if a publisher picks up my novel, it will likely be 3-6 months before it is published and publicly available for distribution.
I wanted to share all of this information with you since I am sure you are very excited to receive the novel and read it.
I really appreciate your patience during this phase of my journey, and I will do my best to keep you informed of my progress.
Once again, thank you very much for your continued support!