A Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel
A teenage boy trying to remain unnoticed after surviving a tragic incident inherits superhuman cognitive abilities via an alien encounter and undergoes a transformation while attempting to save the world.
April 13, 2018
Hi there.
Let me begin by apologizing for taking so long to get a copy of my novel into your hands. Unfortunately, I have learned that the publishing world for the most part is a very ugly industry. While one of my goals associated with writing Introspection: Transformation was to be picked up by a publisher, the prospect of achieving this goal is very unlikely.
This stated, there is still a Hail Mary I am currently pursuing as it pertains to one publisher that appears to be reputable. I am planning on submitting my manuscript to this publisher by the end of this week since they have specifically requested me to do so.
Aside from me approaching prospective publishers directly, I am strongly considering trying to find a reputable literary agent to represent me. This, too, is a very difficult goal to achieve, however, I very likely will give it a try.
As far as a timeline, I have decided that if I'm unable to find a literary agent to represent me and if I'm unable to get this last remaining publisher to pick me up by May 21st, I will self-publish the novel. And if this is the path I end up taking, it's important you understand that I'll need to overcome a learning curve to learn the details of self-publishing, which means it may be a bit between May 21st and the date at which I complete the self-publishing process.
Lastly, I want to reassure you that you will receive the novel. Once again, I'm sorry it's taking so long. However, what's that old saying? Oh yeah, "Good things come to those who wait!" ;-).
Thank you so much for your continued support!