A Young Adult Sci-Fi Novel
A teenage boy trying to remain unnoticed after surviving a tragic incident inherits superhuman cognitive abilities via an alien encounter and undergoes a transformation while attempting to save the world.
It has been a while since I sent my last update and figured my amazing supporters would want to hear from me ;-).
I received what is called a development review from my publisher late last week. The objective of a development review is to evaluate the plot and story structure for issues, such as plot holes, ineffective / confusing sequences of chapters / narrative, and elements that may cause confusion for readers. The development review is very thorough and incredibly helpful. A development review does not include an assessment of grammar, spelling, etc. This type of edit will be performed in the coming weeks by another of the publisher's editors. As I begin this week, I will be focusing on carefully reviewing what has been provided in the development review and will be updating the novel as I deem necessary.
As far as I know, we are still on schedule for Introspection: Transformation to be released on October 9th. This stated, I need to provide some clarification regarding this release date. For those of you who ordered either solely the eBook or the eBook and a hard copy without my signature, you should receive what you ordered on or very soon after October 9th.
However, for those of you who supported me at the levels of receiving a signed copy of my novel, the novels corresponding to all of these orders will first be shipped to me on or close to October 9th so I may sign them. After I sign them, I will be shipping the novels out to each of you who supported my Publishizer campaign at those higher levels.
This is a very scary, yet exciting phase for me (it is never easy to receive critique of work that has required so much time and effort to complete) as I navigate through the development review. This stated, I continue to be committed to you, my supporters and future readers, to do all I can to ensure you find Introspection: Transformation an enjoyable novel!
I hope each of you are having a great summer, and be on the lookout for future updates from me. And last but not least, once again, thank you very much for your tremendous support throughout this journey!