My Nomad Soul Tales
Stories that take your spirit on adventure through different countries and emotions, from Santiago pilgrimage to the World of Mayas in Mexico and Guatemala Jungle
Night alone on a top of a mountain on an isolated island in Norway or walking the Mayan paths in the jungle of Guatemala and letting the sun rise in my chest in Mexico. I know the wind is alive and the birds talk to me, I know It's Time to go
It's Time to go to find myself.
What is this story about?
It’s about the world: the world inside of me and inside of you, the world that I hear with my heart and see with my soul. It’s about a dream that merges with reality—it is impossible to tell them apart and I don’t even want to. I live in both, being born in each of them again and again and waking up to experience a miracle —to flying side by side with the birds and conversing with the wind. I travel in time because time wishes it that way, and the time has no borders. Time goes on and I go along. I go along my path, along my life, along the way to Santiago. I go through my life again.
I return to the rancho in Mexico. Or spend a night alone on a top of a mountain on an isolated island in Norway. Or walk the Mayan paths in the jungle of Guatemala and let the sun rise in my chest.
I know the wind is alive and the birds talk to me and I know that it is time to go.
I take the first steps with pain, support, and help, earning trust and love to accept myself, opening myself to the world and finding myself through faith and the challenge to be reborn.
It is time to go, but I stay.
It is time to go, to find myself.
I walk through my life again in 13 cycles in step with the Mayan calendar
In latvian...
Par ko ir stāsts?
Par pasauli.. par pasauli manī, un Tevī, par pasauli, kuru es dzirdu ar sirdi un ar dvēseli skatos.. Par sapni, kurš jaucas ar īstenību, līdz nespēju tos nošķirt, un arī nevajag.. es dzīvoju abos. Abos piedzimstot no jauna un mostoties brīnumam, lidojot ar putniem un runājot ar vēju.. Es ceļoju laikā.. Laikam tā gribas. Laikam robežu nav. Laiks iet. Un es eju.. Eju pa taku, pa savu dzīves ceļu, pa Santjago ceļu es eju. Kā savu dzīvi es vēlreiz eju..
Kā vēreiz atgriežoties rančo, Meksikas vidienē, vai vienatnē nakšņojot Norvēģijas nomaļākajā salā, kalna virsotnē.. Vai minot Maiju pēdās 5 dienas pavadot Gvatemalas džungļos un ļaujot saulei uzaust savās krūtīs..
Es zinu, ka vējš ir dzīvs un putni runā ar mani.. es zinu, ka Laiks iet..
..un spert pirmos soļus caur sāpēm, atbalstu un palīdzību, modinot uzticību un mīlestību sevis pieņemšanai, atvēršanai pasaulei un atrašanai caur ticību un izaicinājumu piedzimt no jauna..
Laiks iet, bet es palieku
Laiks iet, lai es sevi atrastu
Kā maiju kalendāra 13 ciklos es izeju savu dzīves ceļu vēlreiz..
Originally, I wrote the manuscript based on my adventures in Latvia, which is the country of my mother tongue, under its original title, Laiks iet, with the double meaning, Time to Go, or, Time Goes. It was a challenge to find the perfect match in English, but eventually we agreed on It's Time,
In years of nomad traveling I gained well known traveler status in my country and numbers of followers of my stories.
Obviously that my first plan was to publish the book in Latvian and then later it would be translate and published in English.
Sure - with all the people I have met around the world on my travels and with all my increasing courage to share I decided to go "all in" and publish the book in two languages at the same time.
Double trouble!!!
2x editing, 2x formatting, 2x everything!!!
That's why I decided to go for fundraising
And this is the moment when I need your help and support!
Thank you in advance
Thank you for your support
for your sharing
for your love
for peace
Book will be available in 8 x 10 inches
(20.32 x 25.4 centimeters) layout with colorful 200 pages with lots of my own photographies that enriches the story
After successful campaign, when the target will be reached I will use the money to hire professional editor.
ArchAngelInk - will take care of the rest of publishing work, proofreading, formatting and uploading for publishing (both - eBook and Printback)
If everything runs as planned -
starting mid-summer of 2017 you should start receiving your first edition "It's Time"
Latvian or English language of your choice
It's Time
My nomad soul tales
Part 1
It’s time
Magnetic cycle. Drawing energy
I start my way to Santiago but I am emotionally connected with Mexico that gives me unconditional love and energy for new challenges and this book
Part 2
First steps
Lunar cycle. Looking for stability
It’s raining heavily in the northern part of Spain. There is still more that 900 kilometers to go and more than thousand questions to seek the answers to. I get lost at the very beginning. After finding my way back, I recover my vigilance and determination. A muddy clay path takes me uphill through a forest. Every curve fascinates, the unknown allures, the wind speaks to me and the foliage sings. There is the sea somewhere in the distance, covered by a thick layer of clouds. But up on the top of a hill, between the sky and the earth, I let the path take me back to Mexico where everything began..
· A story about my first visit to Rancho Nuevo Leon
Part 3
Different world
Electric cycle. Showing initiative
I have understood the meaning of this path and I become a part of it.
· A story about a hill in Mexico
· A story about a climb up a hill in Norway
· A story about San Juan Chamula - Tzotzil Indian village and its mesmerizing church
Part 4
Pain and disappointment
Independence cycle. Realizing the events
After my first days covering 30 kilometers each day with a heavy bag on my shoulders, I start realizing what this path really means. My legs pulsate, my right ankle swells so badly that I am unable to put my shoe on. My shoulders are sore as if I have been carrying all the weight of the world.
· A story about Chichen Itza and the disappointment of Kukulkan descending
· A story about my daily life at rancho Nuevo Leon, still being a stranger
Part 5
Help and support
Sign cycle. The opportunity to open up
Few days ago, I met a Canadian pilgrim who had come here on an advice from his psychotherapist. Jimmy was tough and determined, former military with some harsh experience in Afghanistan. And here we walked side by side – a Latvian – child of nature and highly disciplined Canadian soldier. But together, we complemented, encouraged and supported each other.
· A story – “It’s my time to go” about leaving the rancho
· A story about experiencing the descent of Kukulklan in Chichen Itza
Part 6
Rhythmical cycle. Finding balance
We needed a new source of energy so badly as we had walked only half of the day’s route and there were still 700 km in front of us. The feet were killing us, the ankles were swollen and we had no idea where we are staying the night. But we were not worried about it at all even for a bit as we had learnt to trust our path. We considered this pain and suffering as part of our challenge, this was the way „Camino“ sent home the ones that were not ready “to go”.
· A story about Robin and his Rancho Escondido
· A story about 3 adventurers in Mexico
Part 7
Resonating cycle. Energy and inspiration
The thoughts were tossing me from one wave to another, carrying me with them… I dived in, just beneath my feet, to emerge on the coast of the Caribbean till a wave lifted me up and carried me in a swirl on the coast of the Pacific Ocean near Mexico and from there to the white sand of the bay of the Baltic Sea and then back to the Biscay Bay.
I am here and I am everywhere. It all belongs to me. I scoop a small part of the sea in my hands to hold all the world. That is my love.
I dive into it to become a part of it.
· A story about a tree, the wind and a bird
· A story about my walk through the jungle of Guatemala to find the lost Mayan pyramids
Part 8
Self - acceptance
Galactic cycle. Honesty ordination
I have never understood the border between a dream and the reality, between the past and the present – but here it was. I was like a bird with heavy frozen wings that struggles through some vague memories. This dream, this moment was just as a thick cloud of fog in clear blue sky and everything that was happening, everything that I felt seemed well-orchestrated to reach some honourable destination that I am still searching for. I had the key – but I had no idea what to do with it, I hadn’t found the door. “Everything has its right time” – I said to myself and I actually believed it…
· A story about an island and what I found there
Part 9
Sun cycle. Self-realization
„I wonder, what the weather is going to be tomorrow,” – one of my companion pilgrims asked one evening by the glass of wine. “Has anyone checked the forecast?” “Are you staying at home if it rains?”, I laughed – “Will you wait for better weather?”
You don’t need a lot of time to accept the rules of this path. You put your shoes on and go. And it doesn’t matter, whether it’s raining, or the sun is shining, whether you feel lazy or dead tired… you become part of this path and you don’t walk it, the path leads you… it opens you just like a book and you have to read it yourself… some chapters have been forgotten, some characters left behind…
· A story about rain at the rancho
Part 10
Finding yourself
Planet cycle. A moment of crystal clear energy
You accept the wind with its gusts and you don’t ask where it is taking you, you hear the sun rise… and your footprints follow into mine on a sea shore before a white wave washes them away…
Your hand on my shoulder – my breath warms your heart… I find myself in you… in your forests and seas, in your meadows and mountains. I find myself in the wind that you breathe, on the path that takes me… I find myself in a prayer… while looking for myself, I found you…
· A story about my Venezuela
Part 11
Spectral cycle. Liberation
The path to Santiago has turned away from the sea for the last couple of days and now it quickly takes me closer to the destination. The cold, vicious rain cannot break me and a full rainbow as a celebrated prize appears over a small village finding its way straight into my heart.
My soul smiles with the tears of the clouds. I take this path as a part of me. I open my heart to the world so that it can feed the mind through my soul.
That night I spent in a monastery.
Part 12
Crystal cycle. Cosmic opening
This was my last day before reaching Santjago de Compostela, I woke up late –there was no rush, as if I was getting ready to get my prize, I felt excited, maybe even a bit ceremonial. It was still raining outside, but by now the rain had become my companion, my friend. I had challenged my path, my strength and faith to finish it, and here I was – the destination was within my reach, few steps on the wings of the wind away, last savoured moments of my adventure.
· A story about my lonely night on a deserted island in Norway
· A story about my road trip in my old “beetle”
Part 13
Cosmic cycle. Surprising your existence
And here I am at the crossroads. One path ends and a new one begins. I walked my life to live it again.
The same sun, the same birth.
· A story about a moment
· Don’t wake me…
Full Chapter list in Latvian..
Laiks iet
Manas klejojošās dvēseles pasakas
Laiks iet
Magnētiskais cikls. Enerģiju piesaistīšana
Es sāku savu ceļu uz Santjago ceļu un emocionāli jūtos saistīts ar Mexiku, kura man sniedz beznosacījuma mīlestības enerģiju gan jaunajam izaicnājumam, gan šai grāmatai.
Pirmie soļi
Lunārais cikls. Stabilitātes meklēšana
Spānijas ziemeļos stipri līst lietus. Manā priekša vairāk kā 900 kilometru un miljons jautājumu uz kuriem rast atbildes. Nomaldos jau pirmajos ceļa kilometros.. Ticis atpakaļ uz takas driz atgūstu nožumu un apņēmību. Dubļaina mālu taka ved kalnā, tad pa mežu un skuju birzi. Katrs līkums vilina un nezināmais aicina, vējš ar mani runā un koku lapas dzied dziesmas. Tur tālumā jūra, kurā krīt biezi lietus mākoņi. Bet kalna korē es starp debesīm un zemi, ļaujos, lēni, bet notiekti hiptnotiskā solī lai taka mani aizved atpakaļ Mexikā.. tur kur viss reiz sākās.
· Stāsts par pirmo viesošanos Rančo Nuevo Leon
Citāda pasaule
Elektriskais cikls. Inciativītas uzņemšanās
Esmu sajuties, ko šis ceļš nozimē un es kļūstu par daļu no tā.
· Stāsts par kādu kalnu Mexikā
· Stāsts par manu kāpienu Norvēģijas kalnā
· Stāsts par San Juan Chamula Tzotzil indiāņu ciematu un to baznīcas valdzinošu maģiju
Sāpes un vilšanās
Patstāvības cikls. Notikumu apzināšana
Pēc pirmajām pāris dienām ceļa sajūtu, ko nozīme iet 30km ar padsmit kilogramu somu plecos. Kājas pulsē, mana labās pēdas potīte piepamst tik traki, ka grūti iedabūt apavos. Arī pleci no somas svara ir nejūtīgi stīvi – itkā uz tiem būtu uzvelta visa pasaules nasta.
· Stāsts par Chichen Itzas kukulkan čūskas nenotikušo gaidīšanu
· Stāsts par manu ikdienu rancho Nuevo Leon kā svešiniekam
Atbalsts un palīdzība
Zīmju cikls, Iespēja atvērties
Pirms pāris dienām biju saticis kādu Kānādas francūzi, kurš arī gāja „svētceļojumā“, tikai viņam šo paveikt bija ieteicis psihoterapeits. Džimmijs bija sīksts un apņēmīgs militārists ar skarbu dienesta pieredzi Afganistānā.. Te nu mēs bijām. Latvietis – dabas bērns un disciplinēts Kanādas armijnieks. Bet kopā mēs pārsteidzoši labi viens otru papildinājā, uzmundrinājām un iedrošinājām.
· Stāsts – “Man laiks doties” par manu aiziešanu no rancho
· Stāsts par to kā es sagaidīju kukulkan čūskdievību nokāpjot tai no Chichen Itzas El Castillo piramīdas pie savas tautas
Ritmiskais cikls, Līdzsvara organizešana
Spēki tobrīd bija ļoti nepieciešami, jo no iecerētā dienas maršruta mēs bijā nogājuši nedaudz vairāk par pusi, bet līdz svētceļojuma galamērķim nepilni 700km. Kājas sāpēja, potītes bija sapampušas un nebija ne mazāko nojausmu, kur paliksim pa nakti. Bet nevienā brīdi par to nesatraucāmies. Jau pa šim ceļa piramajām dienām iemācījāmies tam uzticēties. Arī šīs sāpes un mokas uztvērām kā uzticības pārbaudījumu, tādejādi „Camino“ ātri vien spēja atsijāt tos, kuri vēl nebija gatavi „iet“.
· Stāsts par Robinu un viņa Rancho Escondido
· Stāsts par kādu 3 piedzīvojumu meklētāju ceļojumu Mexikā
Rezonējošais cikls. Enerģiju iedvesmošana
Domas mani mētāja no no viena viļņa uz otru, nesot sev līdz.. Es niru te pat sev zem kājām Biskaja jūras līci, lai izpelētu Karību krastā, līdz vilnis mani atkal cēla un iznesa mutuļu mākonī Mexikas klusā okeāna krastā un no tā uz Baltijas jūras līča baltajām smiltīm un atkal atpakaļ spānijas jūras līcī. Es esmu te un es esmu visur. Man pieder viss. Es pasmeļu saujās daļu jūras, lai satvertu visu pasauli. Tā ir mana mīlestība.
· Stāsts par koku, vēju un putnu
· Stāsts par manu gājienu Gvatemalas džungļos meklējot pazudušās Maiju piramīdas
Sevis pieņemšana
Galaktiskais cikls. Godīguma saskaņosana
Es nekad īsti nēesmu sapratis, kur ir robeža starp sapni un īstenību, starp pagātni un tagadni – tomēr te nu tas bija. Kā putns ar apsarmojušiem, smagiem spārniem es klumpuroju atmiņu blāvās atblāzmās. Šis sapnis, šis mirklis bijai tikai kā biezi miglas mākoņi pirms skaidrām, zilām debesīm un viss kas notiek, viss ko jutu ir tikai skaisti organizēts un pakārtots kādam cēlākam mērķim, kuru es vēl tikai meklēju. Man bija atslēga – bet ko ar to darīt es nezināju, arī kādas durvis es vēl nebiju atradis. „Visam savs laiks“ – es allaž atkārtoju un tam patiesi ticēju..
· Stāsts par to, ko es ieraudzīju uz salas
Saules cikls. Sevis apzināšana
· Stāsts par lietu rančo
„Nez kāds laiks būs rīt?“ – kādu vakaru pie vīna glāzes jautāja viens no camino ceļabiedriem, „vai kāds ir skatījies laika prognozi?‘‘„Vai, ja līs lietus Tu neiesi?“ es iesmēju – „gaidīsi labākus laikus?“
Nav nepieciešams ilgs laiks, lai Tu pieņemtu ši ceļa spēles noteikumus.
Tu auj apavus un ej. Vai lietus, vai saule, vai slinkums, vai nogurums..
Tu kļūsti par daļu no ceļa un nevis Tu pa to ej – bet ceļš ved Tevi.. Tas atver Tevi, kā biezu, viedu grāmatu, kuru lasīt Tev pašam.. Ar nodaļām kuras piemirstas, un varoņiem kuri pamesti..
Sevis atrašana
Planētas cikls. Kristāltīras enerģijas mirklis
Tu pieņem vēju ar tā brāzmām, lai kur tas Tevi nes, Tu dzirdi kā pasaulē saule lec.. Manās pēdās jūras krastā iegrimst Tavas, pirms tās aizskalo balti viļņi.
Tava roka man uz pleca – mana elpa silda tavu sirdi.. Es sevi atrodu Tevī.. Tavos mežos un jūrās, pļavās un kalnos. Es atrodu sevi vējā, ko Tu elpo, ceļā pa kuru mani ved..Kā lūgšanā es sevi atrodu. Meklējot sevi es atrodu Tevi.
· Stāsts par manu Venecuēlu
Spektra cikls. Sevis atbrīvošana
Santjago ceļā taka jau pāris dienas ir novirzījusies prom no jūras – un stauji ved galamērķa virzienā. Drēgns, stiprs lietus nespēj vairs salauzt un pilns varavīksnes loks, kā pazīstama balva, uzaust aiz maza ciema koka mājelēm otru galu rodot tieši manā sirdī.
Ar mākoņu asarām mana dvēsele smaida. Es pieņemu ceļu kā sevi pašu. Es atveru sirdu pasaulei, lai caur manu dvēseli tā baro prātu.
Tonakt paliku kādā klosterī.
Kristāla cikls. Kosmiskā atvēršanās
Pēdējā dienā līdz galamērķim Santjago de Compostela modos vēli – bez steigas un kā gatavojoties saņemt uzvarētāja balvu, pat nedaudz pacilāti un svinīgi. Aiz loga vēljoprojām lija lietus, bet tas jau sen bija kļuvis par manu pavadoni un draugu. Es biju izaicinājis savu ceļu, savus spēkus un ticību to pieveikt un te es biju – vien rokas stiepiena attālumā, dažu spārnu nestu soļu lidojumā kārtēja baudpilnā piedzīvojuma.
· Stāsts par vienātnē pavadīto nakti uz vientuļas salas Norvēģijā
· Stāsts par manu autotūri ar veco „vaboli“
Kosmiskais cikls. Pārsniegt savu Esamību
Te nu es stāvu jauna ceļa krustcelēs. Te noslēdzas viens, lai sāktos jauns. Es savu dzīvi izgāju, lai ļautos tai no jauna
Tā pati saule un tā pati piedzimšana
· Stāsts par kādu mirkli
· Tikai nemodiniet mani..
All the open minded and spiritual people, that search for new adventures in the world or within themselves, those that needs extra energy boost to spread the wings and fly.
Everyone that search for the inspiration for new travels and adventures
Launching my new web page that will support the book sell in March
Facebook page - My Nomad Tales will be synchronized with the web page with all the necessary information. I will create various promotions and boosts for my FB page.
Instagram, Twitter accounts will be highly active to promote the book.
On my YouTube channel will post interesting adventurous and promotional videos
Will use my email database for book promotion
5. Love With a Chance of Drowning BY Torre DeRoche
6. INTO THE WILD BY Jon Krakauer
Back when I started traveling, I created a blog that told about my experience and adventures. To be honest, I never liked travel stories that told only about eating and sleeping; so naturally, my stories were more personal and philosophical. Even so, the stories were too different from each other and I couldn’t find the way to tie them together.
Several years later, I decided to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain, and that’s where I “found” the concept and name of this book.
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It’s Time
...what is the story about?
It’s about the world.. about the world inside of me, and inside of you.. about the world that I hear with my heart and see with my soul.. about a dream that merges with the reality and it is impossible to tell them apart and I don’t even want to... I live in both.. being born in each of them again and again, and waking up to experience a miracle, to fly side by side with the birds and converse with the wind.. I travel in time.. because the time wishes it that way.. and the time has no borders.. and the time goes on.. and I go along.. I go along my path, along my life, along the way to Santiago.. I go through my life again..
..returning to the rancho in Mexico, or spending a night alone on a top of a mountain on an isolated island in Norway.. or walking the Mayan paths in the jungle of Guatemala and letting the sun rise in my chest..
I know the wind is alive and the birds talk to me.. and I know that it is time to go..
..and I take the first steps with pain, support and help, earning trust and love to accept myself, opening myself to the world and finding myself through faith and the challenge to be reborn..
It is time to go but I stay..
It is time to go to find myself..
I walk through my life again in 13 cycles just as the Mayan calendar..
Based on true story..
..but maybe it isn’t as I have never been able to tell the dream apart from the reality
…let me tell you a story! A story about me, a story about you, a story about all of us.. a story about all the humanity and a single human being anywhere on this planet…
Do you remember the time when you were full of joy all day long? You were laughing and smiling, you were cheerful and there was sparkle in your eyes and they were full of amazement.. It was your choice to be in this family, it was you who made the decision to be the human.. right now, right this moment..
We all made this choice to learn something new, to achieve something, we become humans with flesh and bones.. Flesh and bones and wings for unlimited boundaries for freedom and flight.. From your spiritual past you have inherited power to fly with your soul and you have never forgotten it, you have always known it and felt it in your chest, you have always wanted to spread your wings and fly.. So what are you waiting for?
You don’t need to wait for someone to push you down a cliff, all you need is to catch the wind and spread your wings wide open..
Do you remember when we were siblings? Have you forgotten that we still are? Ancient Mayan philosophy says – “In lak’ ech hala ken” – I am another you – you are another me. And we are! We all are the same; we all share the same pattern of love, same values and same stars in our consciousness. We are made of cosmic dust, we are part of universe itself. We inhabit the force that lets the sun rise in our soul..
All of us! Every single one of us! A Sheppard in Namibia desert, or a Pujari in a Hindu temple, a Buddhist Monk in Tibet, a Mayan Indian in Lacandonia jungle, or a Wall Street Clerk, a Russian Hunter in Siberia, or an Imam of the Islamic world..
I was born on a cold winter day.. I came into this world the same spiritual, emotional and physical way we all did.. There is no difference! We were born the same way and we die the same way no matter what religion or cultural belief we support.. I was chasing sheep and chicken while growing up, playing ball, running around and just having fun.. Is there anyone who didn’t?
And then the society shows up and tells you what to do, and who they want you to become.. Be successful, buy a car and a house, follow the leader, have kids and settle down.. Make money.. more money, more…
They put you in a box, hands chained, forgetting you have wings to fly that need to be spread time by time. They still haven’t broken you and you always remember how happy you were chasing those chickens, building the sand castles.. In your lucid dream you take yourself to the place far away from the world you know.. to the place you feel you belong. As Mayan Indian prophecy you know that it is time to search for awakening.. it is time to open your eyes and soul..
No matter who you have become, you will always be a part of the stars, of that cosmic force and energy that burst in your chest to find your inner peace and balance in life, to be free…
This story is not only about getting from point A to point B, it’s not only about a pilgrimage or a stone pile admired by a tourist somewhere in the jungle. This story is so much more.. it is about the time and the space.. the space that we have filled with time, and the time that we move around in this space by letting it go or bringing it back.. yes, exactly, bringing it back, feeling it. The time that exists simultaneously in the past, the present and the future, the time in you.
This story is about the energy we play with, the energy that feeds us and moulds us into what we are. And this is what the story is about - the subtle energy that most of us have switched off or ignore, I, on the other hand, let it be my guide, my teacher, my punisher. I swim in the balanced energy of male and female, I feel the subtle movements and nuances of karmic energy that take my soul on a journey... and I just follow…
Back in the days when I started traveling - I created a blog that told about my experience and adventures. To be honest I never liked the travel stories that told only about eating and sleeping, so naturally my stories were more personal and philosophical tales. But even so - stories were too different from each other and I couldn’t find the way to tie them together.
Several years later I decided to walk the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route in Spain and that's where I "found" the concept and the name of my book.
As all the books need a structure – I found mine in Mayan lunar calendar (as I believe my soul has deep connection with Mexican Mayas). Each chapter has its energy, emotions and cosmical tone.
Originally, I wrote the manuscript based on my adventures in Latvian - which is my mother tongue, under its original title – “Laiks iet" - with double-meaning "Time to go or/and Time goes" - it was a challenge to find the perfect match in English, but eventually we agreed on "It's Time" - and now with the time it has proven to be THE ONE.
Hi, thank you yet once again for pre-booking “It’s Time”.
As I understand some of you didn’t receive the last update that I posted a …
It's Ray!
Thnks for your support and book pre-order.
I'm happy to let you know that your purchase of "It's Time" book helped …
Veiksmīgi un uz jauniem piedzīvojumiem! Ar nepacietību gaidu grāmatu!
shake & bake:)
Really looking forward to reading your book. I am feeling privileged to be a part of the beginning! Good luck Ray. ❤
Lai taa ir iedvesma veel jauniem un aizraujoshiem celjojumiem!
Ar sirsniigu sveicienu no Alpiem
Tavas mammas draudzene Inara
Good luck my friend.
Ticu, ka šis mani iedvesmos jauniem piedzīvojumiem vēl vairāk! Gaidu ar nepacietību ☺🤗
Lai sapņi kļūst par īstenību! Veiksmi!! Un- lai izdodas! :)) LOVE from Ma
Can't wait to read it! This will be the island copy xxx
Have a nice day, my friend! ;)
Ļoti gribu izlasīt šo grāmatu. Apsveicu.
Proud of you! Hope I'm in Latvia around the presentation time =)
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1 copy of "It's Time"
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5 copy of "It's Time" both signed by author
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7 copy of "It's Time" both signed by author
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+personal invite to dinner hosted by author
1 copy of eBook "It's Time"
15 copy of "It's Time" all signed by author
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+dinner hosted by author
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You'll receive the professionally designed eBook (compatible with all devices) and fully edited and finished first print book of "It's Time", all signed by author.
You and your friend will get invite to official book launch in Riga, Latvia
Personally acknowledged as a "Sponsor+" in both the print and eBook versions of the book!
+personal invite to dinner hosted by author
1 copy of eBook "It's Time"
25 copies of "It's Time" all signed by author
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you can choose between
+dinner hosted by author or +I will write you fully personalized travel plan for Mexico (Yucatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca)
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You'll receive a professionally designed eBook (compatible with all devices) and fully edited and finished first print book of "It's Time", all signed by author.
You and your friend will get invited to the official book launch in Riga, Latvia
Personally acknowledged as a "Benefactor" in both the print and eBook versions of the book!
+personal invite to dinner hosted by author
+I will write you a fully personalized travel plan for Mexico (Yucatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca)
1 copy of eBook "It's Time"
50 copies of "It's Time" all signed by author
+Invite to the book launch party
+dinner hosted by author
+fully personalized travel plan for Mexico (Yucatan, Chiapas, Oaxaca)
on Feb. 3, 2017, 9:03 a.m.
Super! Lai Tev izdodas!