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Keep Calm, Bring Your Carry On

Gentamu ( Jen Jen ) mckinney

The Ultimate Self-care Guide for Travelers of Color

A Travel Therapy Book for maintaining your mental health while experiencing life's unexpected delays and turbulence. The Ultimate Self-care guide for travelers of color.

  Travel   95,001 words   75% complete   3 publishers interested
87 preorders
$2,034.00 funded


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Update #1 - Ebooks & Book Deliveries Sept. 25, 2019

First and foremost  thank you for your patience .  Each person whom has purchased a pre-oder copy of Keeep Calm, Bring Your Carry On ,  will receive the following :   

Ebook - Delivery  2/29/21

Book - Delivery 2 weeks depending on place of residence

Keep Calm, Bring Your Carry On! Accessories and Swag   by 3/31/20 or depending on residence

Thank you for helping us fight the shame and stigma of mental health in the black communities .

Sincerely ,

Jen Jen