The Joy of OFFLINE
In a world increasingly overwhelmed by the demands of social media, "Leave Your Smartphone at the Door: The Joy of OFFLINE" reaffirms the value of enduring and meaningful personal relationships and how to make the most of them.
days left
Thanks to your generous preorder and collective support, the book attracted the interest of 14 publishers. I have sifted through them and there are 6 with whom I am now engaged in ongoing discussions. One is based in London while the rest are in US. I shall be visiting at least two of the latter group next month as I shall be there on art business.
As you are aware, the OFFLINE philosophy always encourages face to face meetings. You learn so much from body language, tone of voice and other personal factors. It is a big decision for me to choose the right publisher and I believe it is vital to look at people in the white of their eyes.
I anticipate I will make my decision by the end of Feb by which time the manuscript should be good to go. Publication would be roughly four months from then, albeit the publisher will determine the precise timeline. In the interim, I shall whet your appetite with a few excerpts so do check back. All good wishes to you and your family for2020 x