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Howard Lewis

Howard Lewis

London, United Kingdom

Howard Lewis is a writer, raconteur, art collector; also love books, football and travel. Founder and host of OFFLINE, a monthly dinner designed to celebrate the virtues of randomness and serendipity.

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About the author

I am extremely openminded, read and travel widely and can draw upon a very diverse network globally. This book is the first collation of ideas expressed over many years and I believe it will cut through much of the nonsense imposed in public life by the excessive application of protocol, etiquette and political correctness. One of the reasons behind the success of the OFFLINE dinners is that I allow participants to be vulnerable and release their inhibitions. Nobody stands on ceremony there and nor should they routinely do so in everyday life. I don’t much care where attendees come from or what they may do but I care very much that they are givers, open to fresh ideas and perspectives, curious about the world around them and, most importantly, interested in the lives of others. Live life, live OFFLINE!
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Success! Leave Your Smartphone at the Door: The Joy of OFFLINE has already sold 409 pre-orders , was pitched to 82 publishers , and will be published by Radius Book Group .
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$20 Just For You!

226 readers

1 signed copy of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. (Value $50)

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$50 For You And Your Friends!

25 readers

3 signed copies of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. They will come in very handy when you are scrabbling around for an original birthday present. As a bonus, bring your friends to meet me for an hour over a coffee and a sticky bun so I can share the background to the OFFLINE story in person. (Value $200)

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$120 Personal Attention!

8 readers

6 signed copies of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. If you buy 6 copies, I will invite you to the fabled OFFLINE dinner as my guest and seat you next to me.(Value $400)

6 copies

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42 of 50 left

$200 Join The OFFLINE Dinner!

6 readers

10 signed copies of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. If you buy 10 copies, I will invite you and a friend to the fabled OFFLINE dinner as my guests. (Value $600)

10 copies

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$750 Plus A Free Consultation!

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25 signed copies of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. Not only will I invite two friends with you as my guests at the OFFLINE dinner but I will throw in a half day consultation so you can learn how applying the OFFLINE philosophy can enhance your business. (Value $1,500)

25 copies

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$2500 Charitable Support!

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50 signed copies of "Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. Take this option and you will be gracing the OFFLINE dinner with four friends as my guests. Additionally, I will provide a half day consultation and speak for free at a charity event of your choice to share the OFFLINE philosophy. (Value $4,500)

50 copies

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$5000 The Icing On The Cake!

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100 signed copies of"Leave Your Smartphone At The Door" plus an invitation to the book launch. One of the key elements of the OFFLINE philosophy is to demonstrate a generosity of spirit so, if you take this package, you can bring six friends as my guests to the OFFLINE dinner, obtain a free half day consultation, invite me to speak at a charity event of your choice and, last but not least, spend a day with me wandering around art museums, combined with lunch at my club. (Value $7,500)

100 copies

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Update #5 - Live Life, Live OFFLINE! Feb. 5, 2021

I must apologise for the lack of communication at my end. The past two years have been very challenging, during which Covid was the least of my concerns. I have been handling some difficult family issues relating to mental health and this summer I was also diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder called myasthenia gravis. Fortunately, although there is no cure, it is treatable so I count my blessings! 

As for the book, it is substantially written and underwent an independent editorial review earlier this year. I may modify aspects of it as a consequence but the above mentioned issues have somewhat diminished my ability to concentrate on it for an extended period. I do hope I can get back in the saddle before year end but many thanks meantime for your patience and understanding.

With all good wishes for a better 2022 to you all - Howard x