The Joy of OFFLINE
In a world increasingly overwhelmed by the demands of social media, "Leave Your Smartphone at the Door: The Joy of OFFLINE" reaffirms the value of enduring and meaningful personal relationships and how to make the most of them.
days left
I am delighted to advise that I signed a contract last month with Radius Book Group so anticipate my book will hit the shelves around mid November, if we all stick to the plan! As Radius is based in NYC, some editing and adaptation of the manuscript may be required for the US market. However, the train has finally left the station and I am excited to share the journey with you leading up to publication.
A number of you generously preordered the book when it was first listed on Publishizer but for those who have yet to do so another short term offer looms with a range of discounts, according to the number of copies you buy. Keep your eyes peeled as I shall post updates more frequently but many thanks again to you all for your forbearance and kindness while waiting for my book to emerge.
With all good wishes - Howard x