Anecdotes on the People and Culture of Contemporary Japan from the Perspective of an American Expat
A captivating, heart-warming, funny, and informative look at contemporary Japan, through the eyes of an American expat.
Live From Japan: Children's Day
Japanese people work very hard. Long hours are the norm. At the same time, they are not averse to taking some time off to spend with family and friends. There are two extended holiday breaks, one in spring called Golden Week [ゴールデンウィーク] another at the end of summer called Obon [お盆]. Then there are the single day holidays.
I’ve written about these official holidays here in Japan before.
Nothing military EVER!
They celebrate everything from old people to mountains to nature to culture to the sun and ocean and the equinoxes.
There an official single holiday in May during Golden Week.
I’m referring to Children’s Day.
I want you to see a marvelous video of a
Children's Day celebration . . .
I guess it's pretty obvious by now:
I even wrote a book about it . . .
If you've ever been curious about what life
in the REAL JAPAN is like, give my book a spin.