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Mirador de la Memoria

Ewa Miendlarzewska, PhD

A neuroscience-fiction novel

An amnesic affective neuroscientist, a wannabe writer and a majordomo robot. A nonlinear story of an almost accomplished quest to conquer the fabric of the human experience - emotions.

  Science Fiction & Fantasy    neuroscience fiction   50,000 words   75% complete   Published by Prodigy Gold Books
106 preorders
$2,120.00 funded


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Update #2 - Great Start into 2018! Dec. 30, 2017

Dear Friend and Supporter,

The campaign to crowd-publish my neuroscience-fiction novel Mirador de la Memoria ended on December 31, 2017 and I collected 96 preorders! I am very happy with the strong finish, however, I fell exactly four (4!) copies short of reaching the first milestone in this game...

So far, I don't have the budget to use a service publisher even though some very interesting ones have expressed interest in Mirador de la Memoria. So I need to reach the next level and gain access to hybrid publishers. Why? They charge less money for publication but will take a portion of the book sale royalties. The best deal would be if I reached 250 copies preordered: who do not charge costs and offer good service!

I was generously offered 28 more days of campaigning (for my birthday, Jan 9th, I guess??) so I am wholeheartedly asking you to please help me some more : preorder, share the campaign link and spread the word so I can get this book out in 2018! 

Thank you again for your support :)

Yours faithfully,
