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Modern Leadership

Pete Miguel Ward

A Management Framework for a Changing World

Modern Leadership explores real-world challenges across multiple business sectors and provides solutions to traditional management theory. It advocates moving past the distinction between leadership and management in a corporate governance setting to a merged approach more suited to the challenges facing businesses in our current complex and volatile environment. It offers a new perspective, or framework, for efficient management administration. It was born out of a vision for the need to improve or modernize the philosophy of proper management protocols.

  Management & Leadership   65,000 words   25% complete   8 publishers interested
332 preorders
$6,665.00 funded


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Update #1 - Free Audio Book Offer Oct. 15, 2020

Hi Friends,

As a bonus to early subscribers; if you pre-order my book today, I promise to include a free Audio Book with the purchase.

These bonuses are limited. The first 1000 to pre-order a copy get special perks like signed copies, launch party invitations, free consultations, and so much more!

If you want to have exclusive access to pre-order my book and get some cool bonuses, please pre-order before time runs out; and share this with a friend!

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Lots o' Love
