Grace Grows Up
Mother Nature’s First Day is a whimsical Children's fiction fairy tale and mythology that shares Grace's (Mother Nature 2.0) earlier days before she took on that role as Mother Nature, and how she learned about the world through her powerful family. Who is Mother Nature, really? And how did she become so wise?
Yes, the title IS different! I have changed it from Mother Nature’s First Day and almost have it ready to go to my publisher. I have interviewed quite a view and found one that loves the concept and can create amazing illustrations (14 of them) which I already started on. We’re still working out details, but the book should be ready in September and even though the CAMPAIGN is over, you can order via the links below.
(1) hard copy, e-version: $35 (
(2) hard copy, e-version, audio: $50 (
(3) hard copy, e-version, audio, Social media shout out: $75 (
Thanks for showing interest in the book and whether you buy it or not...still love you and appreciate you paying attention!
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