How to have it all when you do it all!
A Badass Bodacious Moms guide to self mastery, mindful mothering, and having it ALL when you do it all!
Hey Team,
I am so blown away by the beauty and power of the intimate group of women and Mothers that attended our book preview experience yesterday afternoon. Alison Elsberry and I co-created an exquisite space ripe with compassion and empowerment for these amazing women to REMEMBER who they are as women and be more mindful in their mothering styles.
Once we created the sacred space the event took on a life of it's own. What an honor it was to hold space for these ladies and watch them open and courageously embrace their vulnerability. The importance of my message became even clearer as I watched them Awaken and embrace the abundance of support that is infinitely available to them.
Thank you to the Tree of Life for Healthy Birthing and Parenting Center for providing such a warm and intimate space.
There are only 7 days left in our campaign. Please share our link and encourage people to pre-order their copy of the book and take advantage of our incredible perks. I have some additional incentives that I will be announcing this week so stay tuned...
Here is the link to share: