How to have it all when you do it all!
A Badass Bodacious Moms guide to self mastery, mindful mothering, and having it ALL when you do it all!
Hey Team,
We're in the home stretch of our crowd-publishing campaign and I am so grateful for all of your pre-orders and shares. Let's keep the momentum going!
There are only 6 Days left in this campaign and I can't do this alone. I need you to really rally with me this week and help me reach my financial goal of $10,000 for this campaign by or before Sunday September 6th so we can make the publishing of this book a reality.
As of last night we have raised $2,950. If each of us rally's to get 3-5 people to donate a minimum of $10 to our campaign this week we can easily reach our goal.
Please SHARE our campaign link with at least 3 other women and mothers that you feel can value from our message.
Here is the link to share:
Don't forget to LIKE and follow the Motherhood's not for punks FB Page.
I appreciate our support,