How to have it all when you do it all!
A Badass Bodacious Moms guide to self mastery, mindful mothering, and having it ALL when you do it all!
Hey Team,
I'm going to do my best to express the deep gratitude that I have for all of you who have per-ordered, donated, shared, and supported throughout this campaign. I am so grateful! I feel so much love and support coming my way. And to be honest I'm having a hard time soaking it all in. I feel myself hitting a wall and entertaining some inner conversations that do not serve me. In fact, I am shaking and tearing up as I draft this update.
So another big ask, please send love, light, and prayers my way over the last 5 days of this campaign. I know that in order for me to do the work I am called to do in the world I must allow myself to be more visible, open myself up to more support, and push my edge as it relates to vulnerability. Honestly its making me sick to my stomach. I feel exposed, cracked wide open, sensitive, emotional and insecure about what's next and at the same time I'm grateful for the opportunity to feel these emotions because it lets me know I'm growing.
There is still so much to share. I'm looking forward to getting back to writing the book. The feedback and stories of other women and mothers is what's keeping me going and putting even more fire under my but to get this done.
I love each and every one of you.
Thank you for being apart of this journey with me.