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Motherhood's Not For Punks

Patrina Wisdom

How to have it all when you do it all!

A Badass Bodacious Moms guide to self mastery, mindful mothering, and having it ALL when you do it all!

  Mind & Body    Parenting   100% complete   Published by Crescendo Publishing
269 preorders
$4,440.00 funded


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Update #41 - Still flying high with excitement! May 12, 2016

Good morning MNFP Team!

Saturday's party was so amazing! Thank you so much to everyone who came out to celebrate the successful launch of the book. 

The venue was gorgeous! The weather was perfect! The food (catered by Secret Table) was exquisite! I'm still flying high from this event.

For those of you who were not able to make it to the event, we missed you. There is another opportunity to celebrate with me coming up on July 8th in Los Angeles, CA. Details to come soon but mark your calendars. 

In the meantime I have placed another order of books so that I can start delivering print copies to those of you who don't live locally. We are almost there so please be patient.

Again, thank you for all of your support throughout this process. It's been such an expansive experience.
