A short Adult Fantasy Story, Inspired by two genres; Fantasy Adventure and Rock Music. Realm of Muzeek, deaf-mute man goes on an adventure to save his sister.
Chapter VIII: White Snake
Limbo decided to take another opportunity to make contact with his lovely Lilith so that he could let her know how things were and to give her comfort that he's thinking of her and will be home as soon as he and the rest of his band of travellers have completed the mission to save Dusk. They were all grieving for the tragic loss of Chuba, Rico his brother was beside himself with shock and trauma not knowing how to keep going as Chuba had been a part of his life for forty five years and they had never been apart. Harold and Airthul were trying to establish how long they had been travelling for as this adventure had been so disorienting, full of terror and peril it was becoming very difficult to determine any period of time that had past. Finally once they had found a path that seemed safe enough they all stopped, took a load off, opened up their bags to have some nourishment, nothing special just some bread, cheese with a piece of slightly old fruit. Water was slightly warm, but still enough to quench a thirst. Limbo closed his eyes and began to setup his link with Lilith through his meditating psychic link. At first Limbo thought he had been unsuccessful but then good the thoughts from Lilith. "I'm not going to be a fool for your loving.